Tree Works Updates

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On this page you can find out about tree work projects that impact the Adelaide Hills Council Area.

This includes most:

  • Council led tree work projects
  • SA Government projects
  • SA Government and Council Consultations
  • Other known tree works projects impacting the community in the Adelaide Hills Council Area*.

* Please note Council is not made aware of all external projects so you may not find the project you are looking for if it is being undertaken by a third party (e.g. SA Power Networks, NBN, SA Water, Telstra, etc).

Explore the news items below to stay up to date with the latest information.

On this page you can find out about tree work projects that impact the Adelaide Hills Council Area.

This includes most:

  • Council led tree work projects
  • SA Government projects
  • SA Government and Council Consultations
  • Other known tree works projects impacting the community in the Adelaide Hills Council Area*.

* Please note Council is not made aware of all external projects so you may not find the project you are looking for if it is being undertaken by a third party (e.g. SA Power Networks, NBN, SA Water, Telstra, etc).

Explore the news items below to stay up to date with the latest information.

  • Torrens Valley Road (Olivedale Street), Birdwood - Bridge Upgrade

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    The Department for Infrastructure and Transport (the Department) will be upgrading the bridge over Blumberg Creek located on Torrens Valley Road (Olivedale Street), Birdwood. This work is funded by the South Australian Government as part of the Bridge Stimulus Package. Works for the project will include site establishment, vegetation management and removal, strengthening of the existing bridge and installation of new safety barriers.


    Works are scheduled to commence from Thursday, 1 December 2022 with project completion expected in early 2023, weather permitting. Typically, the work will be undertaken between 7am and 5pm, Monday to Fridays. Advanced notice will be provided if works are required at night or during the weekends.


    To extend the service life of the structure and improve safety for all road users.

    What you need to know

    To safely facilitate these works, traffic will be reduced to a single lane with temporary traffic signals in place to control the direction of traffic. Speed restrictions will also be in place throughout the work area for the duration of the project.

    Road users are asked to please plan ahead, expect delays, allow extra travel time and take extra care when workers are on site. Observe speed limits, lane restrictions and traffic controllers when travelling through the area.

    Access for emergency service vehicles and public transport will be maintained at all times during the works.

    Access to properties will be maintained throughout the works wherever possible, with advance notice provided if there is a need to temporarily restrict driveway access.

    Pedestrians and cyclists are advised to take care when travelling through the area. For safety reasons there may be some restricted access. Where required, signage will be in place to direct pedestrians and cyclists to alternative routes. Every effort will be made to minimise impacts to the community.

    Some noise disturbance can be expected at times while these works are completed, however the work will be managed to minimise disturbance to nearby residents and businesses, as much as practically possible.

    Further Information

    To keep up to date as these works progress, we encourage the community to register for email updates. Please visit the project website to register.

    If you have any questions or would like to speak to a member of the project team, please call 1300 794 880 or email

    The Department appreciates your co-operation and patience while these important works are undertaken.

  • William Street, Birdwood - Tree Works

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    The following tree works will be undertaken along William Street in Birdwood.

    • Removal of 5 dead / declining Ash street trees, as per the aerial site map (red rectangles).
    • Prune to remove deadwood from one mature Eucalyptus camaldulensis – River Red Gum - street tree at the same location (blue rectangle).


    • Thursday 1st to Friday 2nd December, weather conditions permitting. Between 8:00am – 3:00pm


    • Four Ash trees will be removed within the western road verge adjacent to house number 18 William Street.
    • One Ash tree will be removed within the western road verge adjacent to 8 William Street.
    • Pruning of the mature River Red Gum will take place on the road verge adjacent to house number 17 William Street.
    • Mechanical grinding of tree stumps and the planting of 5 new Fraxinus angustifolia ‘Raywoodii’ – Claret Ash street trees to replace the trees being removed will occur in 2023.


    • Adelaide Hills Council is committed to the staged replacement of the William Street Ash trees. The five Ash trees identified for removal display advanced stages of decline and each hold short useful life expectancies.
    • Various replacement planting locations have been identified along the western verge line. The new planting locations have been selected after careful consideration of above and below ground infrastructure such as residential driveway cross overs and underground utility services.


    • Vehicle speed restrictions will be implemented, and temporary stop/go traffic commands may be employed.
    • To enable these works to be undertaken, we request residents to refrain from parking vehicles along the western side William Street adjacent to the identified trees.


    Damian Brennan

    Senior Arborist

    m 0447 401 183

    p 08 8408 0543


  • Road Closure for Corkscrew Road, Montacute - Tree Pruning and Road Surface Works

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    A full road closure of Corkscrew Road, Montacute is required to undertake tree pruning and road surfacing works safely. The portion of Corkscrew Road closed is from Montacute Road to Gorge Road. The majority of the works will occur within the upper south-western section of Corkscrew Road.

    WHEN: Monday 5th to Wednesday 7th December 2022

    8:30am – 4:00pm.


    • Dead tree removal and pruning to remove deadwood from within trees situated within the Council road verge.
    • Road surface asphalt patching works in various locations.


    • Various dead tree removals and pruning to remove deadwood is required to reduce the likelihood of tree's dropping branches over the road or on private infrastructure. This will reduce risks posed to people and property.

    HOW will this impact residents and road users:

    • During the works a complete road closure of Corkscrew Road from Montacute Road to Gorge Road will be implemented.
    • While all attempts will be made to limit impacts to road users, this road closure is essential to enable works to be completed.
    • Throughout the works access to properties within Corkscrew Road will be maintained, please be advised access delays may occur due to works being undertaken.
    • Due to limited surrounding roads, no alternative road detour route can be provided.

    To minimise disruption to regular road users, multi message display boards have been installed at either end of Corkscrew road to provide prior notification of the closure.

    Further information

    Please contact Damian Brennan AHC Senior Arborist on the details below:

    m 0447 401 183

    p 08 8408 0543


  • Tree Removal Works - Kent Road, Aldgate

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    supporting image

    Council will be undertaking tree removal works along the bottom of Kent Road, Aldgate as indicated by the yellow circle on the map.

    Date of works: Wednesday 2 November 2022
    Time of works: 7:30am - 3:30pm
    Traffic management: Bottom portion of Kent Road will be closed however local residents will be able to exit Kent Road via Edgeware Road.

  • Tree removal, main street Crafers

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    supporting image

    Council will be undertaking the following tree works in the reserve to the southern side of Main Street, Crafers (opposite the service station).

    The removal of five Cupressus trees is required as undesirable structural traits have been identified within the branching of the trees that increase the likelihood of tree failure over public and private land.

    New tree replacement plantings will occur at this location as part of upcoming park reserve upgrades.

    Date of works: Thursday 28 - Friday 29 April 2022
    Time of works: 7:00am - 3:30pm
    Traffic management: to ensure vehicle traffic flow is maintained, some kerbside parking will be temporarily removed to allow for through traffic.

  • Upcoming tree works - Verdun

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    Upcoming essential tree works will require pedestrian and vehicle traffic management controls to be implemented along Onkaparinga Valley Road, Verdun.

    Type of Works:

    • Complete removal of four dead / declining pine trees.
    • Pruning to remove deadwood from within various living pine trees.


    • The trees are situated within the western road verge of Onkaparinga Valley Road, directly adjacent to the pedestrian crossing and southern entrance of Maximilian’s restaurant.

    Reason For Works:

    • The removal of these trees and maintenance pruning to remove deadwood is required to reduce the likelihood of tree part failure occurring over the road corridor / footpath.
    • These tree works are necessary to manage the associated risks posed to people and property.

    Start Date: Monday 11 April.

    Completion Date: Wednesday 13 April.

    Time of Works:

    • 7:00am – 9:00am (works occurring within vacant paddock. Works will not impacting footpath / road use).
    • 9:00am – 3:00pm (works impacting footpath / road use).

    Traffic Impacts:

    • During the works a comprehensive work zone traffic management plan will be implemented.
    • Onkaparinga Valley Road will be reduced down to one trafficable lane past the work site between the house of 9:00am – 3:00pm.
    • Vehicle traffic flow will be controlled with stop / go traffic commands.
    • These traffic restrictions will cause minor delays to traffic flow, all attempts will be made to limit impacts to road users.
    • The western footpath and pedestrian crossing directly adjacent to these trees will also be closed between the hours of 9:00am – 3:00pm.
    • Throughout the duration of the works a temporary pedestrian crossing will be maintained by dedicated traffic controllers.
  • Upcoming tree works - Onkaparinga Valley Road, Charleston

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    Adelaide Hills Council wishes to advise that we will be undertaking the following works within the council managed road verge to the eastern side of Onkaparinga Valley Road, Charleston.


    • New tree planting of 32 x Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei 'Natchez' trees (commonly known as Crepe Myrtle).
    • The removal of 17 x Fraxinus angustifolia subsp. angustifolia trees (commonly known as Desert Ash) has already been undertaken to facilitate the new tree planting works.


    • Eastern verge of Onkaparinga Valley Road (from Rohrlack Street to the southern side of property number 10 Onkaparinga Valley Road).
    • Please refer to the aerial map for further information regarding the location of works.

    Date of works:

    • Tree planting works between Monday 2 May to Friday 6 May 2022

    Time of works:

    7:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday.

    Traffic management:

    During these works sections of the roadway will be reduced to one trafficable lane. A comprehensive work zone traffic management plan will be implemented with speed restrictions and stop / go traffic commands implemented. While all attempts will be made to minimise inconvenience to road users, the traffic restrictions are required for the safety of workers on site. Vehicle access to properties in this location will be maintained.

    We apologise for any inconvenience these works may cause and thank you for your cooperation.

  • Upcoming works for tree removal and planting - Woodside to Lobethal

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    Adelaide Hills Council wishes to advise that we will be undertaking the following works within the council managed road verge to the northern side of the Woodside to Lobethal Road.


    • Removal of ten trees to enable the establishment of new tree plantings.
    • Removal of three sections of fire impacted / low value verge vegetation.
    • New tree planting of 105 Quercus palustris trees (commonly known as Pin Oaks).


    • Northern verge of Woodside to Lobethal Road (from the eastern bridge to Greabers Road)
    • Tree removals will occur in various locations along the roadway, several trees indigenous to the area will be retained and new trees planted to either sides.
    • Please refer to the aerial map for further information regarding the location of works.

    Date of works:

    • Tree Removal Works between Monday 4 April to Friday 8 April 2022
    • Tree Planting Works between Tuesday 19 April to Friday 29 April 2022

    Time of works:

    7:00am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday.

    Traffic management:

    During these works sections of the roadway will be reduced to one trafficable lane. A comprehensive work zone traffic management plan will be implemented with speed restrictions and stop / go traffic commands implemented. While all attempts will be made to minimise inconvenience to road users, the traffic restrictions are required for the safety of workers on site. Vehicle access to properties in this location will be maintained.

    We apologise for any inconvenience these works may cause and thank you for your cooperation.

  • Upcoming tree works Mount Barker Road, Aldgate

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    supporting image

    Start Date of Works: Thursday 20th January.

    Time of Works: 9:00am – 3:30pm.


    The trees are situated within the road verge adjacent to 180 Mount Barker Road Aldgate, approximately 150m north of the intersection of Mount Barker Road and Arkaba Road Aldgate. Please refer to the below site map.

    Type of Works:

    Tree branch reduction pruning to two large dead Eucalypt trees situated within the Council road verge.

    Reason For Works:

    Branch reduction pruning is required to reduce the likelihood of tree part failure occurring over the road corridor. These tree works are necessary to manage the associated risks posed to people and property.

    Traffic Impacts:

    • During the works a comprehensive work zone traffic management plan will be implemented along Mount Barker Road.
    • Mount Barker Road will be reduced down to one trafficable lane past the tree work site. Traffic flow will be controlled with stop / go traffic commands.
    • These traffic restrictions will cause minor delays to traffic flow, all attempts will be made to limit impacts to road users.
Page last updated: 15 Oct 2024, 03:23 PM