Tree Works Updates

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On this page you can find out about tree work projects that impact the Adelaide Hills Council Area.

This includes most:

  • Council led tree work projects
  • SA Government projects
  • SA Government and Council Consultations
  • Other known tree works projects impacting the community in the Adelaide Hills Council Area*.

* Please note Council is not made aware of all external projects so you may not find the project you are looking for if it is being undertaken by a third party (e.g. SA Power Networks, NBN, SA Water, Telstra, etc).

Explore the news items below to stay up to date with the latest information.

On this page you can find out about tree work projects that impact the Adelaide Hills Council Area.

This includes most:

  • Council led tree work projects
  • SA Government projects
  • SA Government and Council Consultations
  • Other known tree works projects impacting the community in the Adelaide Hills Council Area*.

* Please note Council is not made aware of all external projects so you may not find the project you are looking for if it is being undertaken by a third party (e.g. SA Power Networks, NBN, SA Water, Telstra, etc).

Explore the news items below to stay up to date with the latest information.

  • Notification of upcoming tree removal works at Fabrik Arts and Heritage Centre - rescheduled commencement date

    Share Notification of upcoming tree removal works at Fabrik Arts and Heritage Centre - rescheduled commencement date on Facebook Share Notification of upcoming tree removal works at Fabrik Arts and Heritage Centre - rescheduled commencement date on Twitter Share Notification of upcoming tree removal works at Fabrik Arts and Heritage Centre - rescheduled commencement date on Linkedin Email Notification of upcoming tree removal works at Fabrik Arts and Heritage Centre - rescheduled commencement date link
    24 Feb 2025

    Notification of upcoming tree management works – 1A Lobethal Road Lobethal

    Adelaide Hills Council wishes to advise that the following works will be undertaken in cooperation with South Australian Power Networks within 1A Lobethal Rd Lobethal.

    Works: Complete removal of four Fraxinus angustifolia ssp. angustifolia, commonly known as Desert Ash.

    Location: As per the attached aerial map, the trees are located on the AHC verge on the southern side of the Fabrik Arts and Heritage Centre.

    Date of works: The original start date of Friday 28/02/2025 09:30am – 15:30pm has now been rescheduled for Thursday 6/03/2025, 09:30am - 15:30pm.

    Reason for tree works: The trees have experienced a gradual decline in health and possess structural qualities which make them unsuitable for long term retention. South Australian Power Networks will undertake removal and stump grinding of the trees as part of the redevelopment of the car parking space at this location. Replacement planting of trees of a species to be determined will occur as part of this redevelopment.

    Vehicle restrictions: To enable the trees to be removed in a safe manner, the use of an Elevated Work Platform (EWP) is required. As the EWP has a substantial footprint, closure of one lane of Lobethal Rd will be required. Throughout the duration of the works, a comprehensive work zone traffic management plan will be implemented and access for emergency services will be maintained.

    What the works mean for you: Residents and business owners of properties in the affected area will still be able to access their properties but are advised that delays may occur. To avoid disruption, we ask for impacted residents within the affected area to review the location of the worksite and select the appropriate street access point.

    We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Should you require any special assistance during the works, please call the customer contact centre on 08 8408 0400.

    Updates about the works will be made available via our Community Engagement Hub Webpage

    Yours sincerely,

    Civil Projects Department (Environment and Infrastructure)

    Adelaide Hills Council

  • Notification of upcoming tree removal works at Silver Road Bridgewater

    Share Notification of upcoming tree removal works at Silver Road Bridgewater on Facebook Share Notification of upcoming tree removal works at Silver Road Bridgewater on Twitter Share Notification of upcoming tree removal works at Silver Road Bridgewater on Linkedin Email Notification of upcoming tree removal works at Silver Road Bridgewater link
    18 Feb 2025

    Notification of upcoming tree management works – Silver Road Bridgewater

    Dear resident,

    Adelaide Hills Council wishes to advise that the following works will be undertaken within Silver Road Bridgewater.

    Works: Complete removal of multiple dead Eucalyptus sp.

    Location: As per the attached aerial map, the trees are located on the AHC verge at 5 Silver Road Bridgewater.

    Date of works: Friday 21st February 2025 8:30am to 4:00pm

    Reason for tree works: The Eucalyptus sp. are completely dead and display brittle terminal branching structure which projects over high voltage powerlines and Silver Road. The structure and form of the subject trees make them unsuitable for retention as habitat trees.

    Vehicle restrictions: To enable the trees to be removed in a safe manner, the use of specialised machinery is required. As this machinery has a substantial footprint, closure of Silver Road between properties 2 and 5 will be required. Throughout the duration of the works, a comprehensive work zone traffic management plan will be implemented and access for emergency services will be maintained. The chain gate located east of 18 Silver Road will be unlocked to allow vehicle access to Mt Barker Road from the eastern end of Silver Road for properties located east of 5 Silver Road.

    What the works mean for you: Residents of properties in the affected area will still be able to access their properties but are advised that delays may occur. To avoid disruption, we ask for impacted residents within the affected area to review the location of the worksite and select the appropriate street access point.

    Usable timber from the works may be left in manageable lengths on the verge, where safe to do so, for collection for firewood by local residents. Please note, access to the work site is strictly prohibited during the works. Residents will be able to collect wood once the works have been completed.

    We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Should you require any special assistance during the works, please call the customer contact centre on 08 8408 0400.

    Updates about the works will be made available via our Community Engagement Hub Webpage

    Yours sincerely,

    Open Spaces Department (Arboriculture)

    Adelaide Hills Council

  • Notification of upcoming tree management works - Eves Place Heathfield

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    06 Feb 2025

    Dear resident,

    Adelaide Hills Council wishes to advise that the following works will be undertaken within Eves Place Heathfield.

    Works: Complete removal of five Eucalyptus globulus, commonly known as Tasmanian Blue Gum, and one Eucalyptus viminalis, commonly known as Manna Gum.

    Location: As per the attached aerial map, the trees are located on the AHC verge at properties 4 and 5 Eves Place.

    Date of works: Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th February, 8.30am – 3.30pm.

    Reason for tree works: All five trees have experienced a decline in overall health and have been identified as possessing structural defects which make them unsuitable for long term retention.

    Vehicle restrictions: To enable the trees to be removed in a safe manner, the use of a specialised arboricultural machinery is required. As this machinery has a substantial footprint, closure of Eves Place will be required. Throughout the duration of the works, a comprehensive work zone traffic management plan will be implemented and access for emergency services will be maintained.

    What the works mean for you: Residents of properties in the affected area will still be able to access their properties but are advised that delays may occur. To avoid disruption, we ask for impacted residents within the affected area to review the location of the worksite and select the appropriate street access point.

    We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Should you require any special assistance during the works, please call the customer contact centre on 08 8408 0400.

    Updates about the works will be made available via our Community Engagement Hub Webpage

    Yours sincerely,

    Open Spaces Department (Arboriculture)

    Adelaide Hills Council

  • Notification of upcoming tree management works

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    16 Jan 2025


    Adelaide Hills Council wishes to advise that the following works will be undertaken within Pike Street Oakbank.

    Works: Pruning and crown lifting of varies species of trees and shrubs, and removal of two clusters Prunus sp., commonly known as Plum Tree, and one semi-mature Thuja plicata, commonly known as Western Red Cedar.

    Location: As per the attached aerial map, the trees are located on the AHC verge between 12 Pike Street and 1 Elizabeth Street.

    Date of works: Friday 24th January 2025 8:30am – 12:30pm

    Reason for tree works: These works are required to facilitate the construction of the new footpath on Elizabeth Street and Pike Street. The Plum trees have undesirable structural qualities which make them unsuitable for long term retention. The Western Red Cedar (located on the Pike Street side of 2 John Street) is situated within the footprint of the footpath construction site. Crown lifting pruning works are required on the various species of trees on the northern side of Pike Street to allow access for the machinery required to construct the footpath.

    Vehicle restrictions: To ensure that the works are conducted in a safe manner, the closure of one lane of Pike Street will be required. Throughout the duration of the works, a comprehensive work zone traffic management plan will be implemented and access for emergency services will be maintained.

    What the works mean for you: Residents of properties in the affected area will still be able to access their properties but are advised that minor delays may occur. To avoid disruption, we ask for impacted residents within the affected area to review the location of the worksite and select the appropriate street access point.

    We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Should you require any special assistance during the works, please call the customer contact centre on 08 8408 0400.

    Yours sincerely,

    Environment and Infrastructure Department (Arboriculture)

    Adelaide Hills Council

  • Notification of upcoming tree removal works at 8 Waverley Ridge Rd Stirling

    Share Notification of upcoming tree removal works at 8 Waverley Ridge Rd Stirling on Facebook Share Notification of upcoming tree removal works at 8 Waverley Ridge Rd Stirling on Twitter Share Notification of upcoming tree removal works at 8 Waverley Ridge Rd Stirling on Linkedin Email Notification of upcoming tree removal works at 8 Waverley Ridge Rd Stirling link
    26 Nov 2024

    Adelaide Hills Council wishes to advise that the following tree removal works will be undertaken adjacent to 8 Waverley Ridge Road Stirling:

    Works: Complete removal of one Fraxinus angustifolia subsp. angustifolia, commonly known as Desert Ash.

    Location: As per the attached aerial map, the tree is located on the AHC verge at 8 Waverley Ridge Road Stirling.

    Date of works: Thursday 12th December 2024, 9:30am– 2:30pm.

    Reason for works: The tree has been heavily pruned for adjacent powerline clearance over an extended period, resulting in an unbalanced crown. This has increased the wind loading forces experienced by the tree’s primary stem, compromising its structural stability.

    Vehicle restrictions: To enable the tree to be removed in a safe manner, the use of a specialised type of machinery is required. As this plant has a substantial footprint, closure of Waverley Ridge Road between properties 2 and 14 will be required. Throughout the duration of the works, a comprehensive work zone traffic management plan with detours will be implemented. Access for emergency services will be maintained.

    What the works mean for you: Residents of properties in the affected area will still be able to access their properties but are advised that delays may occur. To avoid disruption, we ask for impacted residents within the affected area to review the location of the worksite and select the appropriate street access point.

    We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Should you require any special assistance during the works, please call the customer contact centre on 08 8408 0400.

    Yours sincerely,

    Environment and Infrastructure Department (Arboriculture)

    Adelaide Hills Council

  • Notification of upcoming tree management works - Druids Avenue, Stirling

    Share Notification of upcoming tree management works - Druids Avenue, Stirling on Facebook Share Notification of upcoming tree management works - Druids Avenue, Stirling on Twitter Share Notification of upcoming tree management works - Druids Avenue, Stirling on Linkedin Email Notification of upcoming tree management works - Druids Avenue, Stirling link
    15 Oct 2024

    Adelaide Hills Council wishes to advise that the following tree management works will be undertaken within Druid Avenue, Stirling:

    Works: Maintenance pruning of 28 street trees (Quercus robur - English Oak) to both the southern and northern sides of the roadway. Complete removal of two English Oak Street trees will also occur.

    Date of works: These works will be conducted between Tuesday to Thursday over a two-week consecutive period. Works will commence Tuesday 22nd October 2024 – 9:00am to 3:00pm.

    Reason for works: These maintenance pruning works are required to remove brittle deadwood branches that span over car parking and pedestrian path areas. Various trees require minor branch reduction pruning works to manage the structural integrity of these aging mature trees.

    In addition to these pruning actions, two trees have been identified for complete removal due to various undesirable structural features having been identified. The subject trees (indicated within the attached aerial map) display significantly modified appearances due to an extensive history of previous branch failure events. The trees have now exceeded their useful life expectancies within this urban environment. These two trees will be replaced with replacement plantings during the winter period of 2025.

    Vehicle restrictions: To enable works to be conducted in a safe manner, the use of various machinery is required. This equipment will be positioned on the road surface requiring closure of one trafficable lane. Throughout the duration of the works, a comprehensive work zone traffic management plan will be implemented, with stop / go vehicle traffic commands utilised. Vehicle and pedestrian access to adjacent properties will be maintained. To minimise disruption to road users, works have been scheduled to commence outside of peak commuting hours.

    Parking restrictions: Works will be conducted in an efficient manner minimising impacts to kerb side parking spaces. Temporary kerbside vehicle parking controls will be implemented the day prior to works commencing. These parking restrictions are essential to enable machinery access to the site.

    Emergency vehicle access will be maintained throughout the duration of the works. Please do not hesitate to contact Council on 8408 0400 if you have any questions relating to the works.

    We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

    Yours sincerely,

    Adelaide Hills Council - Arboriculture

  • Notification of upcoming tree management works / Road Closure – Arundel Road, Aldgate

    Share Notification of upcoming tree management works / Road Closure – Arundel Road, Aldgate on Facebook Share Notification of upcoming tree management works / Road Closure – Arundel Road, Aldgate on Twitter Share Notification of upcoming tree management works / Road Closure – Arundel Road, Aldgate on Linkedin Email Notification of upcoming tree management works / Road Closure – Arundel Road, Aldgate link
    10 Sep 2024

    Adelaide Hills Council wishes to advise that the following tree works will be undertaken within Arundel Road, Aldgate:

    Works: Complete removal of one (1) Cupressus macrocarpa - Monterey Cypress Tree

    Date of works: Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th September 2024 - 8:30am to 4:00pm.

    Reason for tree removal works: The subject tree has experienced a recent large branch failure to the trees southern side. Various undesirable structural features have been identified within the trees remaining branching structure. These features render the tree unsuitable for retention.

    Road Closure and vehicle restrictions: To enable works to be conducted in a safe manner, the use of various machinery is required. This equipment will be positioned on the road surface requiring closure of Arundel Road. Throughout the duration of the works, a work zone traffic management plan will be implemented.

    Vehicle and pedestrian access below property number 15 will be restricted during the indicated hours of work. To minimise disruption to residents, works have been scheduled to commence from 8:30am, enabling morning vehicle traffic to exit.

    We ask for impacted residents within Arundel Road to review the location of the road closure area and move vehicles out of the affected area prior to works commencing (prior to 8:30am).

    Emergency vehicle access will be maintained throughout the duration of the works, please contact 0447 401 183 if you have any essential access requirements during the indicated hours above.

    We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

    Yours sincerely,

    Open Spaces Department (Arboriculture)

    Adelaide Hills Council

  • Notification of upcoming tree management works / Road Closure – The Crescent Crafers

    Share Notification of upcoming tree management works / Road Closure – The Crescent Crafers on Facebook Share Notification of upcoming tree management works / Road Closure – The Crescent Crafers on Twitter Share Notification of upcoming tree management works / Road Closure – The Crescent Crafers on Linkedin Email Notification of upcoming tree management works / Road Closure – The Crescent Crafers link
    10 Sep 2024

    Adelaide Hills Council wishes to advise that the following tree works will be undertaken within The Crescent, Crafers:

    • Adjacent property number 6:

    Complete tree removal of four (4) dead Eucalyptus obliqua – Messmate Stringybark trees.

    • Opposite property number 42:

    Complete removal of one (1) mature Fraxinus angustifolia – Narrow Leaved Ash tree.

    • Adjacent property number 35:

    Pruning to reduce branch extension of one (1) Corymbia ficifolila – Red Flowering Gum tree.

    • Various locations:

    Pruning of vegetation situated with road verge encroaching within road traffic envelope.

    Date of pruning and removal works: Thursday 19th September 2024 - 8:30am to 4:00pm.

    Reason for tree removal works: Various undesirable structural features have been identified within the dead Eucalyptus obliqua trees located adjacent property number 6. The taper of the trees rendering them unsuitable for retention as smaller specimens. Complete removal of these trees is required to reduce risk posed to people and property.

    Historical branch failures have occurred within the Fraxinus angustifolia tree situated opposite property number 42. These previous failure events have resulted in the tree displaying a disfigured appearance and poor branching distribution. The subject tree orientates over the road surface. Complete removal of the tree is required to manage the elevated failure potential present and improve road access.

    Road Closure and vehicle restrictions: To enable works to be conducted in a safe manner, the use of various machinery is required. This equipment will be positioned on the road surface requiring closure of The Crescent. Throughout the duration of the works, a comprehensive work zone traffic management plan will be implemented. Vehicle and pedestrian access below property number 6 will be restricted during the indicated hours of work. To minimise disruption to residents, works have been scheduled to commence from 8:30am enabling morning vehicle traffic to exit.

    We ask for impacted residents within The Cresent to review the location of the road closure area and move vehicles out of the affected area prior to works commencing (prior to 8:30am). Emergency vehicle access will be maintained throughout the duration of the works, please contact 0447 401 183 if you have any essential access requirements during the indicated hours above.

    We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

    Yours sincerely,

    Open Spaces Department (Arboriculture) - Adelaide Hills Council

  • Notification Urgent Tree Works / Road Detour - Onkaparinga Valley Road Woodside

    Share Notification Urgent Tree Works / Road Detour - Onkaparinga Valley Road Woodside on Facebook Share Notification Urgent Tree Works / Road Detour - Onkaparinga Valley Road Woodside on Twitter Share Notification Urgent Tree Works / Road Detour - Onkaparinga Valley Road Woodside on Linkedin Email Notification Urgent Tree Works / Road Detour - Onkaparinga Valley Road Woodside link
    04 Sep 2024

    Adelaide Hills Council in collaboration with the Department of Transport and Infrastructure wishes to advise that the following urgent tree works will be undertaken at nighttime on Onkaparinga Valley Road, Woodside.

    Works: Complete removal of 11 x dead, declining or structurally failed Eucalyptus globulus(External link) trees (Tasmanian Blue Gums).

    Location of Works: The subject trees are situated within the western Council Road verge of Onkaparinga Valley Road (opposite Hutchens Road, Woodside).

    Date of works: Thursday 5th September 2024.

    Time of Works: 7:00pm – 6:00am (Night works)

    Reason for works: Urgent tree works are required to remove two large trees that have recently failed from ground level. The failed trees have impacted and are suspended within neighbouring vegetation (parallel to the road envelope). In addition to managing these failed trees, nine additional dead or declining Tasmanian Blue Gum trees will be removed. These additional trees display advanced levels of decay within their branching structures and significant levels of brittle deadwood projects over the roadway. Complete removal of these trees are required to maintain an acceptable level of material risk for road users. The trees are not suitable for retention smaller specimens for the purpose of habitat creation.

    Vehicle restrictions / Road detour: To enable works to be conducted in a safe manner, the use of various machinery is required. This equipment will be positioned on the road surface requiring temporary modifications to traffic movements Onkaparinga Valley Road. To avoid disruption to daily road users, the tree removals will be undertaken at nighttime with the use of artificial lighting, hydraulic and electric driven chainsaws to minimise noise generated by the works. Due to the size of material that urgently requires removal, petrol chainsaw use will be required for brief periods.

    Throughout the duration of the works a comprehensive work zone traffic management plan will be implemented. Onkaparinga Valley Road users will be detoured around the worksite via:

    • Riverview Road, Woodside
    • Nairne Road, Woodside

    We ask you to review the detour locations and plan your trip accordingly. We apologise for any temporary inconvenience that these works may cause and thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact Council’s on 8408 0400.

  • Notification of upcoming night works / road detour – Piccadilly Road, Piccadilly

    Share Notification of upcoming night works / road detour – Piccadilly Road, Piccadilly on Facebook Share Notification of upcoming night works / road detour – Piccadilly Road, Piccadilly on Twitter Share Notification of upcoming night works / road detour – Piccadilly Road, Piccadilly on Linkedin Email Notification of upcoming night works / road detour – Piccadilly Road, Piccadilly link
    21 Aug 2024

    Adelaide Hills Council wishes to advise that the following tree works will be undertaken at nighttime on Piccadilly Road, Piccadilly.

    Works: Complete removal of eight large dead Eucalyptus obliqua trees (Messmate Stringybarks).

    Location of Works: The subject trees are situated within the western Council Road verge of Piccadilly Road (opposite property number 218 Piccadilly Road, south of Gores Road).

    Date of works: Thursday 29th August 2024.

    Time of Works: 8:00pm – 5:00am (Night works)

    Reason for works: The subject trees display advanced levels of decay within their branching structures and significant levels of brittle deadwood projects over the roadway. Complete removal of these trees is required to maintain an acceptable level of material risk for road users. Due to the form and taper of the trees, branch reduction pruning is not a viable management option. The trees are not suitable for retention smaller specimens for the purpose of habitat creation.

    Vehicle restrictions / Road detour: To enable works to be conducted in a safe manner, the use of various machinery is required. This equipment will be positioned on the road surface requiring temporary modifications to traffic movements Piccadilly Road. To avoid disruption to daily road users, the tree removals will be undertaken at nighttime with the use of artificial lighting, hydraulic and electric driven chainsaws to minimise noise generated by the works.

    Throughout the duration of the works a comprehensive work zone traffic management plan will be implemented. Piccadilly Road users will be detoured around the worksite via the following roads:

    • Greenhill Road
    • Rangeview Road
    • Old Carey Gully Road
    • Spring Gully Road

    Access to residential properties will be maintained with a secondary detour option available for passenger vehicles via; Gores and Sprigg Roads. We ask you to review the detour locations and plan your trip accordingly.

    We apologise for any temporary inconvenience that these works may cause and thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact Council’s on 8408 0400.

    Yours sincerely, Damian Brennan – Adelaide Hills Council Senior Arborist

Page last updated: 27 Feb 2025, 01:03 PM