Notification of upcoming tree management works - Druids Avenue, Stirling

Adelaide Hills Council wishes to advise that the following tree management works will be undertaken within Druid Avenue, Stirling:

Works: Maintenance pruning of 28 street trees (Quercus robur - English Oak) to both the southern and northern sides of the roadway. Complete removal of two English Oak Street trees will also occur.

Date of works: These works will be conducted between Tuesday to Thursday over a two-week consecutive period. Works will commence Tuesday 22nd October 2024 – 9:00am to 3:00pm.

Reason for works: These maintenance pruning works are required to remove brittle deadwood branches that span over car parking and pedestrian path areas. Various trees require minor branch reduction pruning works to manage the structural integrity of these aging mature trees.

In addition to these pruning actions, two trees have been identified for complete removal due to various undesirable structural features having been identified. The subject trees (indicated within the attached aerial map) display significantly modified appearances due to an extensive history of previous branch failure events. The trees have now exceeded their useful life expectancies within this urban environment. These two trees will be replaced with replacement plantings during the winter period of 2025.

Vehicle restrictions: To enable works to be conducted in a safe manner, the use of various machinery is required. This equipment will be positioned on the road surface requiring closure of one trafficable lane. Throughout the duration of the works, a comprehensive work zone traffic management plan will be implemented, with stop / go vehicle traffic commands utilised. Vehicle and pedestrian access to adjacent properties will be maintained. To minimise disruption to road users, works have been scheduled to commence outside of peak commuting hours.

Parking restrictions: Works will be conducted in an efficient manner minimising impacts to kerb side parking spaces. Temporary kerbside vehicle parking controls will be implemented the day prior to works commencing. These parking restrictions are essential to enable machinery access to the site.

Emergency vehicle access will be maintained throughout the duration of the works. Please do not hesitate to contact Council on 8408 0400 if you have any questions relating to the works.

We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Adelaide Hills Council - Arboriculture

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