Adelaide Hills Council Have Your Say Newsletter # 5 April 2022
Dear Adelaide Hills Council Have Your Say Registrant
As we head deeper into Autumn it might be timely to take some time to sit and relax and have a look at several new opportunities that you can consider and provide your thoughts on. We have several new consultations starting today that will be perfect for you if you use any of our libraries at Gumeracha, Stirling or Woodside or the mobile library or if you live in or visit Stirling and have a view on a replacement for the Stirling Rotunda that was removed after being damaged several years ago. Scroll down to find out more!
If you have participated in a consultation and wondered what the outcome was you might just find out if you continue to scroll down!
We believe that our libraries need to be responsive to recent trends while providing services that are relevant, add value and match community expectations. We would like to know your thoughts on our Draft Libraries Strategy. All feedback provided will be considered for the final draft of the Strategy.
Consultation closes at 4pm, Tuesday 3 May
Replacement concept options for the Stirling Rotunda were presented to Council in late Feb 2022. Concept options were based on community feedback from the Stage 1 consultation undertaken in 2019.
Do you have a view whether the replacement should be a traditional or modern style? See more details here and have your say!
Consultation closes at 4pm, Tuesday 3 May
Proposed Road Closure - Murdoch Hill Road Woodside
Adelaide Hills Council proposes to make a Road Process Order to close the road reserve adjacent to 178 Murdoch Hill Road, Woodside after being approached by the adjacent local landholder to purchase the said unmade road reserve. If you are local to this area and have a view please find out more here.
Consultation closes at 4pm, Tuesday 10 May
Community Forum held in Birdwood on Tuesday 29 March
This Community Forum enabled Council, the local Birdwood community and other organisations to present and discuss actions and issues relevant to the local area. There was a great turn out with 58 residents, Elected Members and Council staff.
You can see more about the forum and it's outcomes here.
Below are a few of our most recent consultations / engagements with outcomes presented on project pages. Simply click on any topic below to see the result of community feedback. This will take you to the project pages with updates and reports.
Draft Asset Management Plan - Bridges
These consultations will commence over the coming weeks and months, so be sure to check back regularly:
Annual Business Plan - May 2022
Stormwater Management Plan (Stage 2 Workshops) - Date to be confirmed
Aldgate Oval - Date to be confirmed
If there is something else you would like to see on Have Your Say please let us know by emailing
Also, please feel very welcome to share this email with family and friends and they will be able to view all of this information as well.
Thank you for taking the time to communicate with us and for being a part of the many decisions we make.
Vanessa Geerts
Community Engagement Coordinator
Adelaide Hills Council