Rostrevor, Woodforde and Hamilton Hill Works Updates

Consultations and works updates for the Rostrevor, Woodforde and Hamilton Hill area.
Consultations and works updates for the Rostrevor, Woodforde and Hamilton Hill area.
Verge Maintenance Consultation
Share Verge Maintenance Consultation on Facebook Share Verge Maintenance Consultation on Twitter Share Verge Maintenance Consultation on Linkedin Email Verge Maintenance Consultation linkA verge (nature strip) is the area between the property boundary and the kerb and includes footpaths. Verge maintenance is a shared responsibility between Council and residents. While Council provides annual maintenance for road safety and fire mitigation, it is unable to maintain all verges across the district.
Many garden beds within Hamilton Hill now require renewal or modification to ensure sustainable maintenance. Residents are invited to select their preferred verge maintenance option:
- Residents can opt to maintain their verge.
- Fill out the S221 Application Form here and email it to
Council Maintenance:
- Council will maintain the verge, topping it with mulch or compacted rubble.
- Irrigation and declining landscape plants may be removed.
Conversion to Parking:
- Residents can opt to convert their verge to parallel vehicle parking.
- This may require curb modifications and asphalt sealing.
Important Notes:
- In all cases, verge areas will be non-irrigated, and irrigation will be decommissioned.
- Please notify Council of your preference by emailing by 30th April 2025.
- If no response is received, Council will assume you do not wish to maintain your verge, and it will be added to the list for Option 2.
- More information on verge maintenance responsibilities can be found here.
Tree-up Lights Connection
Share Tree-up Lights Connection on Facebook Share Tree-up Lights Connection on Twitter Share Tree-up Lights Connection on Linkedin Email Tree-up Lights Connection linkContractors working on behalf of the Council are connecting existing tree spotlights located beneath several feature trees. Once activated, these lights will enhance illumination throughout the Lewis Yarluperka O'Brien Reserve.
Footpath Maintenance Works
Share Footpath Maintenance Works on Facebook Share Footpath Maintenance Works on Twitter Share Footpath Maintenance Works on Linkedin Email Footpath Maintenance Works linkFootpath maintenance works
- Date: April – June 2025
- Location: Paths throughout the reserve area (as per the map)
Vehicle Restrictions:
- Minor parking restrictions may apply at Lewis Walk and MacIntosh Crescent.
- Access to the maintenance gate off Lewis Walk must remain clear at all times.
Mulching of Reserve Garden Beds
Share Mulching of Reserve Garden Beds on Facebook Share Mulching of Reserve Garden Beds on Twitter Share Mulching of Reserve Garden Beds on Linkedin Email Mulching of Reserve Garden Beds linkOrganic mulching of reserve garden beds
- Date: Monday 24th March 2025 – Friday 28th March 2025
- Location: Highlighted sections on the map below
Due to the large volume of mulch required, mulch will be pumped into reserve areas using large spray hoses.
Vehicle Restrictions
- A large truck is required for delivery, needing additional space on the adjoining roads.
- 'No Parking' controls will be in place in the following areas between 7 am – 4 pm:
- MacIntosh Crescent: Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th March 2025
- Grant Street/Buchanan Drive: Monday 24th – Friday 28th March 2025
- Lewis Walk: Wednesday 26th – Friday 28th March 2025
- Macintyre Brae: Thursday 27th – Friday 28th March 2025
Impact on Residents
Residents can still access their properties but may experience minor delays. To avoid disruption, please review the location of the works and plan your access accordingly
Hamilton Hill Landscaping Update
Share Hamilton Hill Landscaping Update on Facebook Share Hamilton Hill Landscaping Update on Twitter Share Hamilton Hill Landscaping Update on Linkedin Email Hamilton Hill Landscaping Update linkAdelaide Hills Council (AHC) is pleased to be working with the residents of Woodforde to improve the public spaces around Hamilton Hill. These outcomes follow the Community Forum held with residents from Teringie, Woodforde and Rostrevor where Council heard directly from our foothills communities about how we can continue working together to enhance this beautiful part of the Adelaide Hills.
Irrigation and plants
AHC will be utilising a specialist irrigation consultant to repair or replace, then reactivate the irrigation system to ensure all irrigation in the reserve and laneways are functioning effectively. The Horticulture Team removed a considerable number of dead plants earlier this week and have also removed three truckloads of weeds. Mulching and planting of sustainable and biodiverse plants will follow.
Lawned areas and weed control
mowing will be undertaken on a regular basis, the frequency adjusted according to the season. Broadleaf herbicide spraying will commence within the next three weeks. This will require temporary isolation of the reserve areas to the community for short periods of time. Public notification advice will be posted on AHC’s social media pages Adelaide Hills Council
Paths throughout the reserve
AHC Civil Services have undertaken an assessment of the erosion and rutting issues of the compacted rubble paths. More to come on this.
Creation of a swale drain
residents of Lewis or Buchanan will have noticed the works there recently. AHC have installed a retaining rock swale drain and installed a vehicle access point to enable maintenance in the reserve to occur.
Mulching works
there is a significant amount of work involved in spreading the organic mulch in the garden beds and between the plants. In the coming months AHC is aiming to deliver a large volume of mulch to mulch the garden beds.
Keep a look out for a Woodforde Residents Association callout for volunteers to help with the mulching of smaller garden beds.
Footpath Upgrades - August 2023
Share Footpath Upgrades - August 2023 on Facebook Share Footpath Upgrades - August 2023 on Twitter Share Footpath Upgrades - August 2023 on Linkedin Email Footpath Upgrades - August 2023 linkInstallation of footpath along Glen Stuart Road from Grant Street through to the first bus stop on Morialta Road in paving at a cost of $190k for 22/23
Planned installation to continue from first bus stop through to Heather Ave in paving, and continue to Flavel Ave in concrete and reconfigure bus stop access at an estimated cost of $125 for 23/24.