Why does a garden and memorial need to be built?
As part of the condition of 'gifting' land to Council, Council agreed that a landscaped garden be established for the benefit of the community and a memorial be erected to the Ash Wednesday Bushfires of 1983.
What features would make a good location?
Council is looking to establish the garden and memorial in an existing park or reserve in the Bridgewater area.
Ideally the location will have good access to ensure it will be well used by the community.
It may be a park or reserve that is already well used by the community and would benefit from the proposed enhancements, or a location that would attract new visitors and community use.
Who will make the final decision?
Following community engagement, Council will be presented with a report on the feedback provided with a recommendation for the location. Further consultation may be undertaken.
When will it be built?
At this stage no time frames have been set regarding the establishment of the new garden and memorial, however Council anticipates construction will commence in mid to late 2019.