Adelaide Hills Council Have Your Say Newsletter # 3 November 2021
Dear Adelaide Hills Council Have Your Say Registrant
Well the year is flying by and there has been lots of activity and opportunities for our community to participate in having their say on local projects and plans. There is also a lot happening and coming up so here's a quick run down of what you can have your say on now and for the rest of 2021.
Proposed Upgrades for Carripook Park, Bridgewater
We are currently considering upgrades to Carripook Park, Bridgewater including an educational landscaped native garden and an Ash Wednesday memorial which are both requirements of a trust that Council is proposing to transfer to this location.
Below is an overview of the proposed upgrades being considered and you can view the full draft design plans here. We recommend you review the full draft design plans prior to providing your feedback.
This consultation closes at 4pm Monday 8 November, so be quick if this is something important to you and you haven't yet provided your feedback!
Council secured funding to progress design and installation of a concept plan for a pocket park. We would like to hear from the local community and interested groups what would be most valued and how this space can be rejuvenated into a more functional and utilised space for locals.
Together we would like to develop a clear direction for the design to create a Pocket Park.
Consultation closes 4pm Tuesday 23 November
Draft Asset Management Plan for Bridges
The Draft Asset Management Plan - Span and Culvert Bridges provides information about bridge assets and actions required to provide an agreed level of service in the most cost-effective manner while outlining associated risks.
If management of bridges in the Adelaide Hills Council area is important to you, please feel very welcome to have a quick look and provide your feedback.
Consultation closes 4pm Tuesday 23 November
Gumeracha Community Forum - Tuesday 30 November 2021, 6:30pm to 8pm
Community Forums enable the Council, community and other organisations to work collaboratively on goals for the region. The objective of Council's forum is to improve engagement and communication by creating an opportunity for an open discussion about emerging issues for Council and the community.
If you live, work or play in Gumeracha this is a great opportunity to present a view to the Community and Council or join in hearing about and discussing topics related to the future of Gumeracha.
Register NOW to save your seat and let us know what you'd most like to see presented or discussed.
Below are a few of our most recent consultations / engagements with outcomes presented on project pages. Simply click on any topic below to see the result of community feedback. This will take you to the project pages with updates and reports.
Adelaide Hills 2021 Business Survey
New Road Name Proposal - a4 Kenton Valley Road, Lobethal
Draft Trails and Cycling Routes Management Policy
These consultations will commence over the coming months:
Roadside Trading Policy
Yarrabee Road, Greenhill Play Space Stage 2
Lenswood Play Space Stage 2
Stirling Rotunda Draft Design Stage 2
If there is something else you would like to see on Have Your Say please let us know by emailing
Also, please feel very welcome to share this email with family and friends and they will be able to view all of this information as well.
Thank you for taking the time to communicate with us and being a part of the many decisions we make.
Vanessa Geerts
Community Engagement Coordinator
Adelaide Hills Council