Cudlee Creek Bushfire Recovery Community Page
Consultation has concluded
What's the purpose of this page?
This page is a digital space for our community to come together since the bushfire which started in Cudlee Creek on 20 December 2019.
This page will grow as we move through the coming months and years together. We’re hoping this site will help us all be better prepared for the future. We want to work with you through this recovery and are here to help. If there is anything else you would like Council to help with, please let us know.
Help for you:
- Register for the Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board recovery newsletter: BudBurst, providing land management and recovery information, as well as updates about upcoming workshops, information sessions and grants.
- SA Recovery hotline - phone 1800 302 787 between 8am and 8pm
- Services Australia contains information about: events, financial assistance, grants, small business support, free assistance and advice, justice of the peace information, opportunities for donations, livestock and public health information.
- AHC Home hosts a number of Council recovery related matters such as: rates support, planning and building information, bin replacement, hard rubbish and green waste
What's the purpose of this page?
This page is a digital space for our community to come together since the bushfire which started in Cudlee Creek on 20 December 2019.
This page will grow as we move through the coming months and years together. We’re hoping this site will help us all be better prepared for the future. We want to work with you through this recovery and are here to help. If there is anything else you would like Council to help with, please let us know.
Help for you:
- Register for the Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board recovery newsletter: BudBurst, providing land management and recovery information, as well as updates about upcoming workshops, information sessions and grants.
- SA Recovery hotline - phone 1800 302 787 between 8am and 8pm
- Services Australia contains information about: events, financial assistance, grants, small business support, free assistance and advice, justice of the peace information, opportunities for donations, livestock and public health information.
- AHC Home hosts a number of Council recovery related matters such as: rates support, planning and building information, bin replacement, hard rubbish and green waste
Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 5
Share Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 5 on Facebook Share Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 5 on Twitter Share Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 5 on Linkedin Email Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 5 linkDownload the latest bushfire recovery newsletter here
Centrelink mobile service centre - CANCELLED
Share Centrelink mobile service centre - CANCELLED on Facebook Share Centrelink mobile service centre - CANCELLED on Twitter Share Centrelink mobile service centre - CANCELLED on Linkedin Email Centrelink mobile service centre - CANCELLED linkDue to COVID-19 restrictions on non-essential travel, the mobile service centre visit will no longer be going ahead.
Carpark Klose’s Supermarket, Lobethal
Thursday 26 March
10:00am – 4:00pm.
Australian Government Mobile Service Centres travel to rural and regional communities to provide community members with information and access to government services. They provide personalised face-to-face servicing to individuals and families who may not have easy access to a Department of Human Services office.
Staff from the Department of Human Services travel with the Mobile Service Centres and can help the community with Centrelink and Medicare payments and services. Information about Department of Veterans’ Affairs programs and support services for veterans and their families is also available.
The mobile service centre can assist you with:- registering and using the agency’s online services
- new claims for Centrelink payments
- updating and confirming Centrelink and Medicare information
- information on how financial matters may impact on payments
- assistance with payment and service options
- rural payment entitlements for eligible farmers
- non-cash Medicare transactions
- enrolling for and issuing new Medicare cards
- updating and re-issuing Medicare cards
- social work support and referrals
More information download the factsheet from the document library to the right of this page or visit –
Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 4
Share Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 4 on Facebook Share Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 4 on Twitter Share Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 4 on Linkedin Email Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 4 linkDownload the bushfire recovery newsletter Issue 4 here.
Cudlee Creek bushfire community meeting
Share Cudlee Creek bushfire community meeting on Facebook Share Cudlee Creek bushfire community meeting on Twitter Share Cudlee Creek bushfire community meeting on Linkedin Email Cudlee Creek bushfire community meeting linkBUSHFIRE COMMUNITY INFORMATION MEETING CUDLEE CREEK
Wednesday 11 March, 6.30pm – 8.00pm
Cudlee Creek Soldiers Memorial Hall,
Cnr Gorge Road and Redden Drive
Hear the latest recovery information from State and Local Government representatives as well as other organisations.Bring your ideas for a positive community recovery. This will be one of many opportunities for you to present your vision for a resilient Cudlee Creek.
For more recovery information:
Lobethal Bushfire Recovery Centre, located at Fabrik Arts and Heritage,1 Lobethal Road, Lobethal
Recovery Hotline: 1800 302 787
Local Events
Share Local Events on Facebook Share Local Events on Twitter Share Local Events on Linkedin Email Local Events linkLocal community events are listed on the Department of Human Services website
Who's listening?
Share Who's listening? on Facebook Share Who's listening? on Twitter Share Who's listening? on Linkedin Email Who's listening? linkCouncil has a dedicated Bushfire Recovery Officer, Miranda Hampton. She is working closely with Alex Zimmerman who is the designated State Recovery Coordinator.
Here's a short message from Miranda: I have been appointed as the Community Recovery Officer for the Cudlee Creek fire. My role is to work closely with the Adelaide Hills Community to develop a recovery plan for the affected townships. I will be reaching out to individuals, community groups and local businesses to ensure the plan addresses the needs of the community. Prior to taking on this role, I was working as a Community Development Officer with the Adelaide Hills Council. I look forward to catching up with some of the groups I have already worked with in my previous role, and to meeting many more people in the weeks to come. If you wish to get in contact you email me at or phone 0437 123 904.
Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 3
Share Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 3 on Facebook Share Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 3 on Twitter Share Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 3 on Linkedin Email Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 3 link19 February 2020
These newsletters will be a source of important information on a range of topics over the next few months and we encourage you to read them as well as share them with anyone in your personal network who may have been impacted by the fires of December 2019.
Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 2
Share Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 2 on Facebook Share Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 2 on Twitter Share Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 2 on Linkedin Email Cudlee Creek Bushfire recovery newsletter - Issue 2 link4 February 2020
These newsletters will be a source of important information on a range of topics over the next few months and we encourage you to read them as well as share them with anyone in your personal network who may have been impacted by the fires of December 2019.
Cudlee Creek Bushfire Recovery newsletter - Issue 1
Share Cudlee Creek Bushfire Recovery newsletter - Issue 1 on Facebook Share Cudlee Creek Bushfire Recovery newsletter - Issue 1 on Twitter Share Cudlee Creek Bushfire Recovery newsletter - Issue 1 on Linkedin Email Cudlee Creek Bushfire Recovery newsletter - Issue 1 link23 January 2020
These newsletters will be a source of important information on a range of topics over the next few months and we encourage you to read them as well as share them with anyone in your personal network who may have been impacted by the fires of December 2019.
Who's listening
Phone 8408 0400
Support Services and Contacts
- Summit Health
- Adelaide Hills Community Mental Health Service
- The Wellbeing Hub in Lobethal
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS Bushfire Response Team)
- Headspace
- Lutheran Community Care
- Relationships Australia South Australia
- Disaster and Recovery Ministries SA
- SA Regional Access
- Lifeline (Bushfire Recovery)
- Beyond Blue
- Kids Helpline
- 1800Respect
- Mensline
- Australian Red Cross (Recovery Program)
- Lutheran Community Care (Financial)
- Rural Business Support
- Department for Innovation and Skills - Small Business Hub
- Bushfire Legal Help
- The Hut Community Centre
- Disaster Relief Australia
- Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board
- Habitat for Humanity - Gardens of Hope Program (time limited program - not ongoing)
- Sims Metal
- Clean Away Lonsdale
- Resource Co. McLaren Vale
- Horse SA
- SAVEM (South Australian Veterinary Emergency Management)
Rates and Revaluation
- Where do I go for help regarding Agriculture and Livestock ?
- Where can I find more information about Volunteering?
- How can I support a child after a fire?
- Where can I find more information about Waste Management?
- Can I burn my green waste?
- My property was affected by the fire, what do I need to do?