Uraidla Park Play Space Upgrade
Thank you to those who participated in our Stage 2 Consultation process and provided feedback on the Concept Plan. Stay tuned for the results soon!
The Uraidla Park play space was identified for an upgrade in Council’s 2024/25 Annual Business Plan process with a total budget of $220,000. A portion of the budget will need to cover design, demolition, site preparation and landscaping. The remaining costs will be used on the play space elements (for example equipment, seating etc).
This play space is classified as a 'local’ Play Space which in the Adelaide Hills Council is:
- An area intended for local play, often equipment based
- Visited by people who live nearby, sometimes by foot, for a short period of time
- Features: picnic area, sculptures, playground, information signage
Not included in the project is associated infrastructure such as lighting, bbqs, public toilets, parking, and shade sails.
Read the Play Space Fact Sheet for more details.
Stage 1: Planning (Now Complete)
In September 2024 we ran 2 x co-design workshops at the Uraidla Hotel. These workshops involved local community members who were passionate about the play space, discussing the importance of the site, its identity, and aspirations with a landscape architect and council staff. The landscape architect then developed 3 play space design options, which the group provided feedback on. The landscape architect took these comments on board, and developed a final draft concept plan.
Council rounded back to this group in December 2024 with this final draft concept plan for another review. Final comments and tweaks were completed in mid- January and the Concept Plan is now ready for wider community engagement.
Stage 2: Community Engagement on Concept Plan
The concept plan shows the overall idea for the site including its potential uses and is conceptual vision rather than being too detailed. The concept plan can be flexible and subject to change depending on budgets, product availability, site constraints and other factors.
We are now consulting on the concept plan and would love to hear thoughts and feedback from the wider community. This will assist in the preparation of a final detailed design and construction of the play space.
You can share your thoughts on the concept plan by:
- Preferably using the online feedback form below.
- Sending an email to engage@ahc.sa.gov.au
- Writing a letter to Community Engagement Coordinator 63 Mount Barker Road, Stirling SA 5152
- Collect a hardcopy information sheet and feedback form from any Council Service Centre or Library at Stirling, Gumeracha Norton Summit or Woodside during opening hours.
Consultation closes 5pm, Sunday 2 March 2025 (extended from Tuesday 25 February).