Notification of upcoming tree removal works and road closure - Lesley Crescent Crafers
Adelaide Hills Council wishes to advise that the following works will be undertaken within Lesley Crescent, Crafers.
Works: Complete removal of one large Eucalyptus viminalis (Manna Gum tree).
Location of Works: The subject tree is situated within the Council Road verge adjacent 14 Lesley Crescent. The trees primary branching structure projects over the properties front garden, driveway and Lesley Crescent roadway / parking bays.
Date of works: Thursday 22nd to Friday 23rd August 2024.
Time of Works: 8:00am – 4:00pm.
Reason for works: The subject tree displays multiple undesirable features within its primary branching structure. These structural concerns render the tree unsuitable for retention. No remedial management options are available. The trees primary and secondary branching structure display extensive levels of poorly occluded wounds and evidence of branch failures throughout the trees crown. Significant branch reduction pruning works were considered as a management option to both reduce loading forces placed upon the defected parts and to remediate the remaining exposed portions of crown. Due to tree species low tolerance to pruning actions, the required crown reduction works would likely initiate a spiral of decline. Such a rapid decline event would ultimately result in tree death. The tree has exceeded its useful remaining life expectancy, in which the cost of management exceeds the short-term benefits gained by retaining as a smaller specimen. The subject tree is not suitable for retention as a habitat structure in the frequently occupied location.
Vehicle restrictions / Road detour: To enable works to be conducted in a safe manner, the use of various machinery is required. This equipment will be positioned on the road surface requiring temporary modifications to traffic movements on Lesley Crecent. During the indicated time of works, closure of Lesley Crescent will be implemented adjacent number 14.
Throughout the duration of the works a comprehensive work zone traffic management plan will be implemented. Road users will be detoured around the worksite via alternate roads, please see the detour path pictured to the back of this letter.
We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact Council’s Open Spaces Department on 8408 0400
Yours sincerely,
Open Spaces Department - Adelaide Hills Council