Adelaide Hills Council Community Engagement Hub Update Newsletter #6
Hi there,
Thanks again for registering as part of our Community Engagement Hub platform. We hope our newsletter finds you all keeping well and warm with this chilly hills winter.
We would like to welcome back Sarah Hill our Community Engagement Coordinator who has returned recently from maternity leave. Sarah has lots of fresh and bright ideas in the engagement space, so keep an eye on future engagement opportunities.
We're always happy to hear from you and how we can best keep you in the loop with engagement opportunities, so please drop us a line at any time (
Take a moment over the next couple of months to check your registration details in our engagement platform. Ensure you have your township and any areas of particular interest included so we can give you a heads up when something is happening in your area of interest.
We have a couple of new consultations happening this month which we've listed below.
If you have participated in a consultation and wondered what the outcome was you might just find out if you continue to scroll down!
Proposed Road Closure Springhead Road Mount Torrens
Adelaide Hills Council proposes to make a Road Process Order to close a portion of the public road adjacent to 474B Springhead Road, Mount Torrens. Read more and comment.
Consultation closes 4pm on Wednesday 27 July 2022.
You are invited to provide feedback on the draft Regional Public Health Plan 2022-27 for the Southern and Hills region. The purpose of the Plan is to guide coordinated efforts to improve the health and wellbeing of all residents in the Southern and Hills region. It has been developed to meet the South Australian Public Health Act 2011 and to align with the State Public Health Plan. Read more and comment.
Consultation closes 4pm Friday 5 August 2022.
The Bridgewater Community is invited to attend our next community forum on Tuesday 30 August at 6pm for a 6.30pm start at the Bridgewater Football Clubrooms. Thanks to everyone who has already added ideas / topics you would like presented or discussed. Register your attendance and ideas now.
Registration closes Thursday 25 August 2022.
Below are a few of our most recent consultations / engagements with outcomes presented on project pages. Simply click on any topic below to see the result of community feedback. This will take you to the project pages with updates and reports.
152 people provide feedback via a number of different channels and works are well underway for this beautiful space. Take a look.
48 Participants provided feedback on Council’s Draft Annual Business Plan, you can read more about the feedback provided here. The Plan has been endorsed by Council and we will include a copy in the next newsletter.
The Community Forum in Montacute on Tuesday 31 May was a chance for Council, the local Montacute and Cherryville community and other organisations to present and discuss actions and issues relevant to the local area. There was a great turn out with 50 residents, Elected Members and Council staff. You can read more about the forum and its outcomes here.
Yarabee Road Play Space Open Come and have a play at Yarabee Road these school holidays. Thanks again to everyone who helped shape this play space with your feedback. Read more about the project here.
Lenswood Play Space Open The Lenswood play space is now officially open and it looks great! Located at Lenswood Oval be sure to check out the apple shaped rocker. Read more about how feedback shaped the play space here.
These consultations will commence over the coming months, so be sure to check back regularly:
Aldgate Oval Feasibility Study - August/ September 2022
If there is anything else you would like to see on our engagement hub please let us know by emailing
Also, please feel very welcome to share this email with family and friends and they will be able to view all of this information as well.
Thank you for taking the time to communicate with us and for being a part of the many decisions we make.
Vanessa Geerts
Community Engagement Coordinator
Adelaide Hills Council