Adelaide Hills Council Have Your Say Newsletter # 2 June 2021
Dear Adelaide Hills Council Have Your Say Registrant
Since we sent our first newsletter in May we have had an increase in participation to several of our consultations and 46 new registrations to the platform which is exciting. Reaching those of you who are keen to be involved in consultations and kept in the loop is great as you become a part of Council's decision making processes.
Council considers all feedback received and we can assure you that it can be as diverse as those of you out there in our community.
You might wonder how your feedback can inform a decision - check out the consultation outcomes section below to see how feedback is presented to Council and actions taken based on that feedback.
We have lots of opportunities for you to get involved and have your say on a variety of topics now and in the coming months so check them out below and visit our platform again soon. We are always happy to hear from you!
Adelaide Hills 2021 Business Survey
Council is seeking to better understand the challenges and opportunities that face our region's business community. Feedback from businesses will help inform the implementation of Council's Economic Development Plan. This will ensure support and opportunities Council provides is in line with what will benefit the business community most.
Basket Range Community Forum - Tuesday 31 August 2021, 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Community Forums enable the Council, community and other organisations to work collaboratively on goals for the region. The objective of Council's forum is to improve engagement and communication by creating an opportunity for an open discussion about emerging issues for Council and the community.
If you live, work or play in Basket Range this is a great opportunity to present a view to the Community and Council or join in hearing about and discussing topics related to the future of Basket Range.
Register NOW to save your seat and let us know what you'd most like to see presented or discussed.
If you live in Basket Range or Lobethal, or if you're a business owner we are looking to hear from you right now.
New Road Name Proposal at 14 Kenton Valley Road, Lobethal
As part of a land division at 14 Kenton Valley Road, Lobethal, a new public road will be established. The Road is proposed to be named in honour of the late Garry Hughes, founder of Hughes Construction - 'Hughes Place'.
Below are a few of our most recent consultations / engagements with outcomes presented on project pages. Simply click on any topic below to see the result of community feedback. This will take you to the project pages with updates and reports.
Lobethal Bushland Park Masterplan
Your Council Your Say - Community Perception Survey
These consultations will commence over the coming months:
Stradbroke Road Speed Reduction to 50kmh - Morialta Road to Baroota Ave - Opens 12 August 2021
Lampert Road, Crafers - Proposed Pedestrian Safety Improvements - Opens 18 August 2021
Mylor Bike Track Concept Design Stage 2
Stirling Rotunda Draft Design Stage 2
Draft Play Space Framework (and Policy)
Draft Community and Recreation Facility Framework (and Policy)
Draft Trails and Cycling Routes Framework
Lobethal Bushland Park Play Space Upgrade
If there is something else you would like to see on Have Your Say please let us know by emailing
Also, please feel very welcome to share this email with family and friends and they will be able to view all of this information as well.
Thank you for taking the time to communicate with us and be a part of our many decisions.
Vanessa Geerts
Community Engagement Coordinator
Adelaide Hills Council