Adelaide Hills Council - Have Your Say Newsletter # 1 April 2021

Dear Adelaide Hills Council Have Your Say Participant
Whether you've been with us for several years or are new to our engagement platform we're super happy to have you onboard and thank you for providing your feedback on one or more of our consultations. Keeping you up-to-date with consultations, and providing you with opportunities to tell us your thoughts, ideas and concerns on projects and decisions, helps to ensure we complement the needs and desires of our community.
The more voices we hear from, the more beneficial our decisions will be.
- Our Have Your Say platform has been running for just over four years,
- We have 2,041 activated participants,
- We have had 163,557 site visits,
- We have rolled out over 170 projects, consultations, and community information pages.
new engagement site layout
We have just upgraded the look and feel of our engagement site. We've tried to make it easier for you to see current consultations and opportunities available for you to have a say. Take a moment and explore our new look!
LAST DAYS | Draft Annual Business Plan
The Annual Business Plan details the programs, projects and services we deliver to our community, and how these will be funded.
Our focus in 2021-22 is to support the Adelaide Hills community, environment and economy to recover and strengthen through the challenges we continue to face from bushfires and COVID-19.
Rate revenue accounts for approximately 80% of Council's operating income. The Annual Business Plan details what this supports.
We would value your feedback on:
- Goals and strategic initiatives for 2021-22 (the proposed services and initiatives we are budgeting for)
- Finances and operating budget
- Proposed capital works
Changes to services:
- European wasp nest removals
- Hard waste and mattress collection
- Green organic waste
- Changes to rates, and
- Your overall impression of the Draft Annual Business Plan 2021-22.
You can choose to comment generally on the whole Draft Annual Business Plan 2021-22, or choose the area/s you’re most interested in and focus your feedback there.
Providing your feedback via the online feedback form is quick and easy. The opportunity to provide feedback closes 5pm Wednesday 26 May.
Lobethal Bushland Park Masterplan
Whether you're a Lobethal resident or a regular visitor to green spaces in the hills, you might have an interest in the Lobethal Bushland Park Masterplan. Tell us what you like, what you don’t like, and what you think is missing in this draft Masterplan. Find out more here.
Below are a few of our most recent consultations / engagements with results available. Simply click on any topic below to see the result of community feedback.
These consultations will commence over the next few months.
Trails Framework Policy
Mylor Bike Track Concept Design Stage 2
Stirling Rotunda Draft Design Stage 2
Play Space Framework (and Policy)
Community and Recreation Facility Framework (and Policy)
Lobethal Bushland Park Play Space Upgrade
Community Forums are back with the next two planned for Basket Range and Birdwood. These events are an opportunity to hear from Council and locals about things happening in your area, discuss ideas for your neighbourhood, and seek details about projects directly impacting you. Find further information and provide topic suggestions now to help us tailor an evening that meets your needs.
Did you know that the Have Your Say platform includes important community support information? Find these topics alongside ongoing consultations.
Road and Footpath Construction Updates
Bushfire recovery and information (Cherry Gardens and Cudlee Creek)
If there is something else you would like to see on Have Your Say please let us know by emailing
Thank you for taking the time to communicate with us and be a part of our many decisions.
Vanessa Geerts
Community Engagement Coordinator
Adelaide Hills Council