What is asset management planning?

    Asset management planning is an important process to ensure infrastructure is provided in a financially sustainable manner.

    Modelling shows that Asset Management Plans reduce risk and cost. Planned works are more affordable and have lower risks than simply re-acting to what are often foreseeable issues.

    What is an Asset Management Plan?

    The draft Asset Management Plan details information about infrastructure assets including actions required to provide an agreed level of service in the most cost-effective manner while outlining associated risks.

    The draft plan defines the services to be provided, how the services are provided and what funds are required to provide the services generally over a 10-year planning period.

    This draft plan covers the infrastructure assets that provide services for bridges.

    Where can I read the full draft Asset Management Plan?

    Take a look at the draft Asset Management Plan here.

    What assets are covered in this plan?

    • 27 Span Bridges (Span longer than 6m)
    • 20 Culvert Bridges (less than 6m)
    • 53 Pipe/Culvert Minor Bridges

    Total Replacement Cost - $20,248,837

    What do we mean by assets?

    ‘Assets’ refers to infrastructure that is managed by the Adelaide Hills Council. The asset categories that are part of this consultation are: span and culvert bridges.

    What is a Level of Service?

    Asset management requires the understanding of the services that are provided by assets. For example a bridge provides a way to get from one place to another, in a safe manner. 

    Customer levels of service are derived from what aspects of the service is important to the customer (is the bridge safe to cross), whether they see value in the service being provided (the bridge I traverse every day is not easily accessible), and what is the likely trend over time based on the current budget (this bridge is becoming unsafe or is impacted by flooding or the bridge has been repaired since storm damage).

    What we consider in building Customer & Technical Levels of Service?

    Quality - How good is the service … what is the condition or quality of the service?

    Function - Is it suitable for its intended purpose …. Is it the right service?

    Capacity/Use - Is the service over or under used … do we need more or less of these assets?

    Sustainability - Coordinating existing strategies and using sustainable materials for the optimum approach,  whilst minimising the impact on the environment

    What will it cost for the 10 year planning period?

    • Newly Constructed- Nil
    • Gifted - Nil
    • Operations - $342k
    • Maintenance - $350k
    • Renewals - $1.03 Million
    • Disposals - Nil

    Total $1.726 million spend over 10 years

    What is a Mobile Asset System?

    Mobile Asset System is the product/software we use to store our asset information and we collect data around our assets utilising the mobile suite, as well as inspections and maintenance management.

    Where can I get more information?

    Call our team on 8400 0400 or email engage@ahc.sa.gov.au 

    How can I provide feedback?

    Have your say by:

    Taking part in the online feedback tools on this website

    Email us: engage@ahc.sa.gov.au

    Call us: 8400 0400

    Send us a letter: PO Box 44, Woodside, SA 5152 

    How will the feedback be used?

    Your feedback will help us shape the Asset Management Plan for bridges. 

    What will happen next?

    Following the public consultation period, staff will review the community feedback and prepare a report to Council on the outcomes of the consultation. The results of all the feedback will also be used to guide the Asset Management Plan.