Draft Asset Management Plan - Bridges
Consultation has concluded
Consultation outcomes report now available.
Update March 2022
We would like to thank those who provided feedback in this consultation. All feedback was presented to Council on Tuesday 22 February 2022. The report presented to Council including all feedback can be reviewed in the link below:
220222 Council Agenda Public_opt.pdf (ahc.sa.gov.au) pp 58 - 148
Council resolved:
1. That the report be received and noted
2. That Council notes the community feedback on the Bridge Asset Management Plan, as contained in Appendix 1.
3. With an effective date of 4 March 2022, The Bridge Asset Management Plan, as contained in Appendix 2, be adopted by Council.
4. That feedback regarding Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) bridge assets collected during the consultation phase will be forwarded on to DIT.
5. That the CEO, or delegate, be authorised to make any necessary formatting, nomenclature or other minor changes to the Bridge Asset Management Plan prior to 4 March 2022
The Draft Asset Management Plan - Span and Culvert Bridges provides information about bridge assets and actions required to provide an agreed level of service in the most cost-effective manner while outlining associated risks. The plan defines:
- the services to be provided
- how the services are provided, and
- what funds are required to provide these services over the 10 year planning period.
The Plan will link to Council's Long-Term Financial Plan which typically considers a 10 year planning period.
Bridges considered in this Draft Asset Management Plan
This plan covers Span and Culvert Bridges. There are 27 Span Bridges (Span longer than 6m), 20 Culvert Bridges (Span less than 6m) and a further 53 Pipe/Culvert (minor bridges) represented in this Draft Asset Management Plan.
What is not in the scope of this consultation:
- New bridge requests – Council is not in a position to provide additional new bridge assets.
If you have a request for any upgrades beyond bridges please feel free to lodge a Customer Request for a specific upgrade or safety check to be included into our zoned maintenance. You can do this by calling 8408 0400 or submit a request via https://www.ahc.sa.gov.au/Pages/Report-An-Issue.aspx
What we want to know:
- Do the bridges you drive across meet your needs and expectations?
- Would you be impacted if access to certain bridges was reduced due to increased storm events, or unforeseen closures?
- Are bridges in good condition and well maintained?
- Do you feel safe crossing bridges in Adelaide Hills Council?
Levels of Service
The Long Term Financial Plan is insufficient to continue providing existing levels of service for the next 10 year planning period. Consequences of this include:
- Bridge fatigue will increase
- Likelihood of increased failures
- Bridge may require closing due to safety issues
Council is proposing an increase in the overall spend to improve maintenance and undertake planned works over the next 10 year cycle to provide a higher level of service.
Future Demand
Future demand is unpredictable and therefore increases in service levels are difficult to determine. A combination of managing existing assets, upgrading existing assets and providing new assets to meet demand where required is proposed. Demand management practices may also include a combination of non-asset solutions such as insuring against risks and managing failures.
You can Have Your Say by:
- Preferably using the online feedback form below.
- Send an email to engage@ahc.sa.gov.au
- Write a letter to Community Engagement Coordinator PO Box 44, Woodside SA 5244
- Phone 8408 0400
- Collect a hardcopy information sheet and feedback form from any Council Service Centre or Library at Stirling, Gumeracha or Woodside.
Consultation closes 4pm, Tuesday 23 November 2021.