What's an Annual Business Plan and Budget in a snapshot?

    Every year, Council develops an Annual Business Plan and Budget which links our Strategic Plan 2020-24 – A Brighter Future, the Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) and our Asset Management Plans with the annual budget planning process.

    Our annual business plan details the programs, projects and services we will deliver to our community and how these will be funded. 

    Our focus in 2024-25 is on supporting and strengthening our community, environment and region through activities and programs geared towards essential services, prudent resource management, and sustainability.

    The Annual Business Plan and Budget is our way to ensure that we continue to develop and maintain essential infrastructure services such as roads, footpaths, bridges, public toilets and open spaces as well as providing important services including libraries, health, planning, support services and waste collection. 

    Why do we have a business plan and budget?

    Under Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1999 Councils must have, for each financial year, an Annual Business Plan and Budget. It must include a summary of Council’s long-term objectives as set out in its Strategic Management Plans. The Strategic Management Plans identify the Council’s objectives, how a Council intends to achieve its objectives, how they fit with the objectives of other levels of government, performance measures and estimates of revenue and expense.

    I want to attend an information session but I am not sure which is right for me

    We'd love you to come along and hear more about the Annual Business Plan and encourage you to register online. 

    You can come to any of the three sessions in Woodside, Stirling or online. They will start with a presentation followed by a breakout session to ask questions.

    The Feedback opportunity on 11 June will have a more formal feel and is a chance for you to provide your feedback verbally to the Councilors and Staff. 

    What can you expect at the public Council meeting on Tuesday 11 June?

    On Tuesday 11 June you will have the opportunity to attend the 6.30pm -7.30pm Council meeting being held at the Stirling Council Chamber, 63 Mount Barker Road, Stirling.

    Please register to attend.

    Note this session will not include a presentation and is more formal in its structure.

    When does this consultation close?

    For feedback to be considered it must be received by Council no later than 10pm, Tuesday 11 June 2024.

    Can I ask a question about the Annual Business Plan ?

    You can ask us a question using the Q&A tool on this page, by email engage@ahc.sa.gov.au or by calling Kira Laverty on 8408 0400 during business hours.

    Where can I see a hard copies of the Consultation Documents?

    Copies are available at each of our libraries (Gumeracha, Stirling and Woodside).

    You can request a hard copy to be sent to you by calling 8408 0400 or emailing engage@ahc.sa.gov.au 

    Download from this project page in the document library above.

    How did Council develop this year’s Draft Annual Business Plan?

    To develop our Draft Annual Business Plan 2024-25 and set this year’s rates, Council carefully considered a range of factors, including:

    • what we need to do this year to ensure we achieve the broader goals outlined in our Strategic Plan 2020-24 – A Brighter Future, which were identified in close consultation with our community
    • how our actions this year will support our Long-term Financial Plan, which ensures we operate fairly, responsibly and sustainably now and into the future
    • the mix of projects, programs and services we need to deliver to meet community expectations and aspirations
    • our known and anticipated costs, risks and opportunities.

    Page 27 of the Draft Annual Business Plan 2024-25 provides further detail about the factors that have influenced this year’s budget.

    What is the budget for the 2024-25 year in summary?

    You’ll find a financial overview on page 25 of the full Draft Annual Business Plan 2024-25. 

    Please explore the Draft Annual Business Plan 2024-25 for a detailed breakdown of the proposed budget for Council’s projects, programs and services.

    What will happen to my feedback?

    All feedback received by 10pm on 11 June 2024 will be consolidated and presented to Council. 

    Council will consider the consolidated feedback before finalising the Annual Business Plan 2024-25.

    What are your 2024-25 key projects and activities planned?

    Some of our key projects and activities planned for 2024-25 include:

    What is the difference between the information sessions and the public meeting on 11 June?

    Information Sessions

    The information sessions are being held in four different venues across the region to allow people to come and hear a short presentation on the Annual Business Plan.  Following the presentation, you will have the chance to have an informal chat with staff and elected members about the plan and to ask questions.

    11 June Public Meeting

    The public meeting takes place during the ordinary Council Meeting and is a more formal exercise where community are given the opportunity to present their feedback to the Council Members.

    Feedback from both types of meeting will be collated and considered by Council in the final consultation report.