Birdwood Pump Track

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Consultation has concluded

Project update

The Birdwood Pump Track was completed and opened to the community on 1 July 2020. Check out some photos of the progress and final track here.

The Birdwood Committee were awarded $30,000 through the State Government to develop a local pump track to compliment the play space recently upgraded by Council. AHC managed the project which involved significant consultation with the community, particularly in regards to the design. The pump track features variations of rollable mounds, with riders of all ages and skill levels able to safely navigate the course.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the track design, your feedback has helped shape the track.

Project update

The Birdwood Pump Track was completed and opened to the community on 1 July 2020. Check out some photos of the progress and final track here.

The Birdwood Committee were awarded $30,000 through the State Government to develop a local pump track to compliment the play space recently upgraded by Council. AHC managed the project which involved significant consultation with the community, particularly in regards to the design. The pump track features variations of rollable mounds, with riders of all ages and skill levels able to safely navigate the course.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the track design, your feedback has helped shape the track.

Guest Book

Where's your favourite place to ride and why?
Consultation has concluded
Thanks for your feedback, your comments were used in the draft track Design - check it out now on the project page.

I like to ride to school and around the town. When there is a pump track at Birdwood I would like to ride on that.

Rizza almost 5 years ago

I ride to school every day but would use a mountain bike track if there was one available

KIKIB almost 5 years ago

I do 24km every day and ride the local roads

KIKIB almost 5 years ago

Recreation grounds with my friends

KIKIB almost 5 years ago

Amy Gillet rail trail as there is no where currently safe to ride locally

KIKIB almost 5 years ago