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Banner with logo and title of project: Access and Inclusion 2020-24

Express your interest in being a volunteer Access and Inclusion Advisor

We are seeking expressions of interest from residents with disability (and their supporters) to be a volunteer Access and Inclusion Advisor in 2022.

What does the role involve?

The volunteer role of Access & Inclusion Advisor will involve:

  • Being part of 2-4 forums per year (each year, 2022 to 2024). The meetings will be focused on supporting the implementation of Council's Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2021-2024 over the life of the Plan. 
  • Sharing your thoughts, ideas and concerns on Council's consultations that you are interested in.
  • Contributing your ideas to how we can improve the accessibility of Council's infrastructure, facilities, events, services, programs, communications and information for people with disability.

How much of my time would I have to give?

You can get involved as little or as much as you like, however the minimum requirement is to attend 2 forums per year (2022 to 2024).

Am I suitable for this role?

Access and Inclusion Advisors will be selected on the basis of the following skills, knowledge and experience:

  • Lived experience of disability - whether personally or as a carer, parent or a family member of a person with disability (essential)
  • Live, work or study in the AHC area - or supports AHC residents with disability (essential)
  • An interest in improving accessibility and inclusivity for all people with disability, across the whole AHC district (essential)
  • Willingness to share relevant experiences, provide feedback and engage with others in a group setting (essential)
  • Ability not only to reflect personal experience, but also consider a diverse range of people and access needs across the community (essential)
  • Experience and knowledge of the diverse needs of people living with disability as demonstrated in advocacy roles (desirable)
  • Membership of a priority community (desirable), such as a young person with disability (aged under 25); a women with disability; an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person with disability; or as person with disability from a culturally and linguistically diverse background
  • Experience providing services for a priority community (desirable)

How do I express my interest?

Complete the form, below, to express your interest in being a volunteer Access and Inclusion Adviser.

If you complete this form your answers will be put into a database that our staff can access. One of our staff might contact you at some point to ask if you would like to help us with a project, and you can always say no.

We will not share your details with anyone outside Adelaide Hills Council. Read our privacy policy here.

If you have any questions, or need assistance completing this form, please call Josh Spier on 0436 379 740 or email

We will contact you either via email or phone to advise the outcome of your expression of interest. We will aim to contact you within 10 working days from the date of submission.

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters



What best describes you? (choose all that apply)

* required

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters



What is your gender?


Which best describes you? (select all that apply)

* required

Which type of disability do you live with? Select all that apply

* required

Do you have a family member living with disability? 


Which type of disability does your family member live with? Select all that apply

Maximum 255 characters



The State Disability Inclusion Plan 2019–2023 identifies four priority groups. We will be consulting with these groups so that new inclusion plans meet their specific needs.

Do you identify as being a member of any of these priority groups? (select all that apply)


Does your family member with disability identify as a member of any of these priority groups? (select all that apply)


How would you like us to contact you?

* required

Are you interested in telling your story? We do things like make videos and write articles to challenge community attitudes about disability, and we're often looking for people to contribute. Note: these opportunities are usually unpaid.


Do you have any accessibility needs, to be able to work with us?

* required

Do you need a translator to work with us in English?

* required

Are you interested in improving access and inclusion for all people with disability - across the whole Adelaide Hills Council area?

* required

If appointed, would you be willing to share your relevant experiences,  feedback and engage with others in a group setting?

* required

If appointed, will you be able to not only share your own experience, but also consider a diverse range of people and needs across the community?

* required

Maximum 255 characters
