Can trees make my neighbourhood quieter?

    Tree branches and foliage can reduce sound by intercepting sound waves and change their behaviour. Tree lined neighbourhoods are quieter than street without trees

    How do trees continue to get bigger?

    Tree leaves absorb carbon dioxide from the air and roots extract water from soil. Trees uses solar energy to convert it into chemical compounds storing it as sugars and staches in the timber. The tree then uses this stored energy to form new cells to enable growth.

    It’s always cooler sitting underneath a tree, why is this?

    Trees reduce temperatures by shading surfaces, dissipating heat through evaporation and transpiration, also called evapotranspiration. Trees can reduce ambient temperatures by up to 8°C.

    My neighbour just removed a big tree in their back yard, what could that mean for my garden?

    Trees can reduce wind speeds by up to 10% during storm events by filtering and deflecting wind. Sudden environmental changes such as the removal of trees, buildings or structures may expose neighboring trees to increased wind loading forces.

    Why are Council’s so interested in planting trees along main roads and streets?

    Trees humidify the air, remove air borne pollutants in built up urban environments and improve respiratory conditions. Trees cool the temperature of hard public infrastructure such as roads, concrete gutters, and footpaths. This extends the useful life expectancy of this costly infrastructure and saves the community money. 

    Why are Council’s so interested in planting more trees in public parks and reserves?

    Trees encourage people to undertake active and passive recreational activities in public spaces. Our community receives a broad range of health benefits from trees such as reduction in blood pressure levels, improving mental health conditions, reducing exposure to UV radiation. Trees improve people’s overall quality and longevity of life.