Second Round of engagement on the Draft Planning and Design Code
Local government has contributed heavily to the content of the Code. In response, significant improvements to the revised draft Code have been made. Key areas of change in the revised Code include:
- More localised policy: The draft Code now provides for more local content through a greater number of zones to better reflect local characteristics, additional subzones, introduction of Concept Plans where required, introduction of Historic Area and Character Area Statements, and introduction of additional numerical local variations to reflect current development plans such as building height, minimum site area, frontage width, and setbacks.
- Raising the bar on residential infill standards: The draft Code now provides additional requirements to address urban green cover, tree canopy, parking, water sensitive urban design, building façade design among other improvements.
- Inclusion of Contributory Items as Representative Buildings: The draft Code now includes representative Buildings that will be referred to in Historic Area Statements and/or Character Area Statements and mapped in the South Australian Planning and Property Atlas. These buildings are examples that are representative of the characteristics of the local area identified in these Statements.
- Introducing improved flood mapping: The draft Code now includes improved flood mapping that was created based on additional information provided by local Councils.
In relation to the Adelaide Hills Council submission, a number of key items have been addressed in the update of the draft Code and include:
- A new Adelaide Hills Subzone has been included in the Rural Neighbourhood Zone to accommodate the intent of the Median Rule Land Division Tool and policy;
- The Peri-Urban Zone has been renamed Adelaide Country Zone;
- Mixed Residential Zones have been transitioned into in the Suburban Neighbourhood Zone to better reflect existing development policy; and
- The Settlement Policy Area 18 of the Watershed (Primary Production) Zone at Inglewood, Lenswood and Verdun has been transitioned to the Code Rural Settlement Zone instead of the Adelaide Country Zone.
To understand how these have been addressed please refer to the summary. A transition table identifying how the Adelaide Hills Council Development Plan zones have been transitioned to the revised draft Code has also been provided for information.
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