Why do we have a strategic plan?

    Under Section 122 (6) of the Local Government Act 1999, a council must develop and adopt plans (which may take various forms) for the management of its area, to be called collectively the strategic management plans.  The Strategic Management Plans identify the Council’s objectives, how a Council intends to achieve its objectives, how they fit with the objectives of other levels of government, performance measures and estimates of revenue and expense.

    When does this consultation close?

    For feedback to be considered it must be received by Council no later than 5pm, Tuesday 24 September 2024.

    Can I ask a question about the draft Strategic Plan?

    You can ask us a question by email engage@ahc.sa.gov.au or by calling Kira Laverty on 8408 0400 during business hours.

    Where can I see a hard copy of the Consultation Documents?

    Copies are available at each of our libraries (Gumeracha, Stirling and Woodside).

    You can request a hard copy to be sent to you by calling 8408 0400 or emailing engage@ahc.sa.gov.au 

    Alternatively, you can download all documents from this project page in the document library above.

    How did Council develop the Draft Strategic Plan?

    We commenced our review of the Strategic Plan in 2023.  In Phase 1 of our community consultation, we used data from our Community Survey that was conducted in June 2023 to help shape some of our initial conversations and highlight those themes and topics that appear to be most important to the community.  These themes and topics have helped to shape our draft Strategic Plan and will help us plan as we look into the future.

    What will happen to my feedback?

    All feedback received by 5pm on 24 September 2024 will be consolidated and presented to Council. 

    Council will consider the consolidated feedback before finalising the Strategic Plan.

    I want to attend an information session but I am not sure which is right for me?

    We'd love you to come along and hear more about the draft Strategic Plan and encourage you to register online. 

    You can come to any of the sessions in Gumeracha, Norton Summit or online. They will start with a presentation followed by a breakout session to ask questions.

    Anyone is welcome!