William Street, Birdwood - Tree Works
The following tree works will be undertaken along William Street in Birdwood.
- Removal of 5 dead / declining Ash street trees, as per the aerial site map (red rectangles).
- Prune to remove deadwood from one mature Eucalyptus camaldulensis – River Red Gum - street tree at the same location (blue rectangle).
- Thursday 1st to Friday 2nd December, weather conditions permitting. Between 8:00am – 3:00pm
- Four Ash trees will be removed within the western road verge adjacent to house number 18 William Street.
- One Ash tree will be removed within the western road verge adjacent to 8 William Street.
- Pruning of the mature River Red Gum will take place on the road verge adjacent to house number 17 William Street.
- Mechanical grinding of tree stumps and the planting of 5 new Fraxinus angustifolia ‘Raywoodii’ – Claret Ash street trees to replace the trees being removed will occur in 2023.
- Adelaide Hills Council is committed to the staged replacement of the William Street Ash trees. The five Ash trees identified for removal display advanced stages of decline and each hold short useful life expectancies.
- Various replacement planting locations have been identified along the western verge line. The new planting locations have been selected after careful consideration of above and below ground infrastructure such as residential driveway cross overs and underground utility services.
- Vehicle speed restrictions will be implemented, and temporary stop/go traffic commands may be employed.
- To enable these works to be undertaken, we request residents to refrain from parking vehicles along the western side William Street adjacent to the identified trees.
Damian Brennan
Senior Arborist
m 0447 401 183
p 08 8408 0543
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