Onkaparinga Valley Road, Nairne Road and Junction Road, Balhannah Intersection Upgrade

Intersection of Onkaparinga Valley Road, Nairne Road, and Junction Road, Balhannah

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport are delivering the Adelaide Hills Productivity and Road Safety Package to upgrade key strategic arterial roads in the region. The road improvements will support economic growth, improve road safety, and increase fire resilience. The $150 million initiative is jointly funded by the Australian Government (80%) and South Australian Government (20%) over five years.


Monday, 24 June 2024 to Friday 28, June 2024, weather permitting. 9am - 5pm

What's happening?

Site investigation works, including geotechnical drilling and surveys, will be undertaken at the Onkaparinga Valley Road, Nairne Road and Junction Road intersection. These investigations will help inform the detailed design of the intersection.

How might this affect you?

To do this work safely, there will be speed and lane restrictions in and around the intersection. Please plan your trips, be cautious around workers, and follow the speed limits and signage.

Access to businesses and surrounding properties will be maintained throughout the works, and we will ensure every effort is made to minimise impacts to surrounding properties as practically possible.

Minor noise disturbances can be expected while works are being undertaken, but we will minimise any disturbance to residents as much as practically possible.

More information

Call 1300 794 880

Email DIT.Engagement@sa.gov.au

Visit dit.sa.gov.au/BalhannahPRS

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