Council: Construction of new link - Amy Gillet bikeway
What: Adelaide Hills Council is undertaking a project to construct a new link between the Amy Gillet bikeway and the new shopping centre carpark at Woodside. The work will be located at the rear of the shopping center carpark continuing to the existing bikeway.
When: Start week of 26 October and expected to be completed the same week (weather permitting).
Why: This section of bikeway is being added due to the finalisation of the shopping centre carpark by private contractor. The new link will provide additional access between the bikeway and the shopping district at Woodside.
Important information:
- During this time minor restrictions may apply to cyclists on the effected section of the bikeway in the form of speed restrictions and lane blocks.
- The contractor will be available to coordinate work around cyclist and pedestrian movements.
- The works will take place between 7am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
More information:
Please contact Craig Cockshell on 8408 0576 or email