Black Spot Safey Upgrade - Basket Range Road

Adelaide Hills Council is undertaking a Black Spot Safety Upgrade project in Basket Range.
Where: Basket Range Road, Basket Range, between Lobethal Road and Ranns Road North.
What's happening: The project involves construction of sealed shoulders, as well as installation of new signage and guideposts.
When: The project will commence on Tuesday 18 March and is expected to be complete by the end of the week (weather permitting).
How this affects you: This section of Basket Range Road will be closed during work hours (7am – 5pm, Mon-Fri), with a detour in place via Range Road / Lobethal Road.
The road will be made safe and re-opened after hours and on weekends, with reduced speed limits in place.
Local residents and the Basket Range quarry have been informed of the works and will still have access to their properties.