RediCommunities for Uraidla and Summertown

Hello Uraidla and Summertown,
The RediCommunities Project, facilitated by the Australian Red Cross, is designed to unite communities in identifying priorities, taking action at the local level, and preparing for future emergencies over a series of five workshops.
This engagement page has been set up to keep you informed about the community-led project, the RediCommunities Project, that is happening in your community.
About the project:
30 residents from Uraidla, Summertown and surrounding townships, recently participated in the RediCommunities Project, facilitated by the Australian Red Cross and supported by Adelaide Hills Council. The project is designed to unite communities in identifying priorities, taking action at the local level, and preparing for future emergencies over a series of five workshops.
A big congratulations to the community and each participant for bringing their energy, knowledge and passion to the workshops, especially during winter where the nights are cold and heading out may seem like a burden. We all shared some great catering provided by the local community groups to warm our heart and tummies. It was wonderful to see and hear so many stories and shared experiences within the community. Your contributions undoubtedly enriched the process and outcomes.
The formation of 3 working groups signifies the continuation of community-led efforts to enhance disaster resilience. AHC Community Resilience Officer, Megan Collins, will continue to support these working groups to achieve their objectives.
Redi Uraidla 's Vision
An alert, inclusive, and informed community who work together to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies.
Redi Uraidla Goals
- Inform, support and educate all community members to prepare for and respond to disasters.
- Establish a leadership group for community disaster led actions.
- Develop a 72-hour post emergency plan and community hub for Uraidla and surrounding areas.
- Increase engagement with young people and their families.
How will we do this?
- Develop a local Emergency Preparedness Calendar for all community members.
- Red Cross Preparedness Pillowcase workshops for children at the Uraidla Primary School
- Aboriginal cultural story telling at Uraidla Primary School to raise cultural awareness and promote seasonal changes. The art activities will be used in the calendar.
- 72 hour working group and community hub to support community post disasters.
Curious? it's not too late to get involved. If you live in Uraidla or Summertown (or neighboring communities) and would like to know more about the community resilience activities, please reach out to Community Resilience Officer Megan Collins.
Feedback from Uraidla RediCommunities participants:
“Thank you so much this highly valuable and important series of workshops. It will make an enormous difference for our community “
“I can see now we lacked some initial guidance and direction and look forward to establishing better channels and more collaboration “
“Great knowledge dispersed.”
“Great set of meetings”