Proposed Land Exchange, Variation and Revocation of Community Land - 37 Yanagin Road, Greenhill
Consultation has now concluded

Update 30 May 2023
Our project team took a report to Council on 23 May and as a result Council has decided to proceed with the land swap to resolve the encroachment issues. Council is required to write to the Minister for Local Government to revoke the Community Land Classification. (Refer to document library for copy of Council minutes).
Once we receive a response from the Minister we then need to take a report back to Council to resolve to revoke the classification and proceed with land swap. After the boundaries have been changed, the Native Vegetation Branch will need to prepare ‘variation documents’ and have a new Plan drafted to formalise the land, associated in the land swap.
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback we really appreciate the time you took in providing a submission.
Council proposes to realign an existing fence line to rectify an historical encroachment on Yanagin Reserve from an adjacent property located at 37 Yanagin Road Greenhill.
The adjoining landowner approached Council to pursue an investigation into the possible transfer and boundary realignment of a portion of the reserve, to rectify existing private infrastructure encroachments. The encroachment was identified during the sale and subsequent purchase of the adjoining property in 2021.
To vary the land area held under the Heritage Agreement and to revoke and amend a portion of the land listed on the Community Land register, to allow for a boundary realignment and land swap to proceed. This will ensure that private infrastructure remains on private property and not on public land.
Council’s Administration has been in negotiations with the parties affected by this proposal.
The proposal will see an area of 149sqm of private land from 37 Yanagin Road, Greenhill adjacent to Yanagin Reserve, be transferred to the Reserve, with162sqm of reserve land transferred to the landowner of 37 Yanagin Road, Greenhill.
The Consultation Report, including a map of the site and additional information is available to view in the document library to the right of this page. This document contains all the details about the Proposed land exchange and variation and partial revocation of classification as Community Land.
A hardcopy of the report is also available to view in Adelaide Hills Council Service Centres in Stirling, Woodside and Gumeracha during opening hours.
Any person is entitled to object to the proposal via a written submission. An objection must state whether the objector wishes to make a deputation to the Council in relation to the Proposed land exchange and variation and partial revocation of classification as Community Land process. The Council will give notification of a meeting at which the matter will be considered so the person making the deputation or a representative may attend, if so desired.
Share your thoughts with a submission.
You can provide your written submission by:
- Using the online submission form below
- emailing to
- mailing to PO Box 44, Woodside SA 5244
- collecting a hardcopy submission form by visiting any Council Customer Service Centre or Library at Gumeracha, Stirling or Woodside.
Interested persons are invited to review the Report and make written submissions regarding the proposal to close the road by no later than 4pm on Friday 17 March 2023.