Update August 2021
Council is now reaching out to those who registered or showed an interest in the Mylor Bike Track.
Last October we underwent community engagement, focusing on the Mylor community and their thoughts about bike riding. We wanted to better understand the interest level and type of riding experience Mylor residents were after. We received 150 online survey responses (54 responses were from those that actually lived in Mylor).
From those that live in Mylor, the interest in recreation and mountain bike riding came through very strongly, along with creating a space for riders that is out of the Mylor parklands, with a number of people suggesting Sherry Park as an appropriate location.
We have taken this particular feedback, along with the comments provided from representatives from the Mylor Oval Committee, Mylor Primary School, and several targeted meetings with some parents/children, and Sherry Park does seem to be the ideal location. We have considered other locations however these sites have limitations and are not ideal for reasons which we are happy to discuss. Sherry Park is located in the hub of the town, is accessible, has parking, toilets, and building the track near the current play space does make sense as we imagine families being able to bring kids of various ages and utilise the playground/oval/bike track at the same time.
In recent months, the Adelaide Hills Council has received funding through the Federal Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program to develop a bike track in Mylor, so we’re almost ready to start some more detailed planning, and this is where you might like to come in!
Are you interested in being on the ‘Bike Reference Group’ for Mylor? The group would help review and refine the design, aiming to meet the community’s needs. We are targeting local Mylor residents, however if you live outside this region but feel you have something to contribute you are welcome.
As there has already been quite a bit of feedback received into what experience people are after, and due to the tight timeframe (the project is expected to be constructed by December 31), we envisage the bike reference group committing to approximately 2 meetings. (And of course Stacey Dutton is available to speak to anyone at other times if needed).
- Please let Stacey know if you would like to be part of the Bike Reference Group by Wednesday 1st September via direct email: sdutton@ahc.sa.gov.au
- Council are currently in the process of engaging a contractor to develop a draft design / concept of the bike track, using the community’s feedback that has already been collected.
Next Steps
Once the draft concept plan is developed, we will host a meeting with the bike reference group (date to be confirmed-but perhaps a Sunday is best considering that this group could consist of young people). This meeting will give you an opportunity to review the draft design / concept plan and chat to the track builder direct, where they’ll take into consideration any thoughts or concerns.
The construction of the bike track in Sherry Park may mean that the existing cricket nets may need to be relocated, but we are working with the Mylor Oval Committee, the Mylor Cricket Club and the South Australian Cricket Association to find an alternate solution.
Thanks in advance for your support, we look forward to speaking with you and delivering something amazing for this community, and getting the community active and healthy!
Consultation has concluded