Update April 2020
The Gumeracha Main Street Upgrade project will deliver a range of improvements, including underground power lines, stormwater system, better pedestrian connectivity and a safer streetscape environment for Gumeracha’s ‘Village Heart’. This community streetscape project is delivered in close partnership with SA Power Networks and the Gumeracha Main Street Group.
The first part of the project, undergrounding of power lines will be delivered by SA Power Networks and their contractor.
Latest News
- Art wall – artist Paul Herzich engaged to install a mix of painting onto and edging into the retaining wall at the Memorial Hospital.
- The Power Line Environment Committee (PLEC) approved Council’s application for Stage 2 including the section between John Fisher St and Randell Terrace. Council is to approve funding for Stage 2 during its annual business plan process for 2020/21.
- SA Power Network finalised their design for undergrounding the power lines and is currently tendering for construction.
- Council’s consultant Tonkin are finalising the stormwater design for Albert Street.
- Detailed design for the streetscape design was endorsed by Adelaide Hills Council at its February meeting.
Next Steps
- Due to the current CoVid-19 circumstances accurate timelines and process steps are very difficult to predict.
- SAPN to finalise their tender stage for construction of undergrounding the power lines.
- Council to finalise stormwater upgrade design and also tender for construction.
- Council to prepare streetscape detailed design for tender for construction.
Indicative Timetable
Action / Activity |
Indicative Timeline |
Undergrounding Power Lines (PLEC) |
January – April / May 2020 |
May / June – December 2020 |
August – December 2020 |
Late 2020 / early 2021 |
Stormwater Upgrade |
January – May 2020 |
Follow PLEC Stage 1, Commence later this year |
Streetscape Improvements |
May - July 2020 |
April – June 2020 |
Once PLEC Stage 1 is complete Aiming for Nov/Dec start |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are available on the right of the main page.
For more information or to join the project mailing list call 8408 0400 or email engage@ahc.sa.gov.au
Consultation has concluded