Update 10 November 2020
Trench works for the undergrounding are nearing completion while cabling in the ‘heart’ of Gumeracha has commenced. All trench works should be complete by end November. SAPN erected replacement stobie poles in Victoria Street and John Fisher Street which required scheduled outages in related areas.
Please note that SA Power Networks are planning three power outages which are scheduled on the 20 November, 6 December and 14 December. The majority of affected properties can expect only one outage. All properties will be notified at least five business days in advance. SAPN advised that no further scheduled outages are planned relating to the undergrounding of the powerlines until after the New Year. Once scheduled power outages are planned in early 2021, SAPN will notify affected properties accordingly
Please contact Adelaide Hills Council if you have significant concerns with this.
For construction site safety reasons the stormwater installation works along Albert Street has been scheduled following the undergrounding of the power lines completion. These works are scheduled to commence in February 2021.
And the art wall is complete!
Next Steps
- Continue undergrounding works for the power lines.
- Council to prepare tender documentation for construction of streetscape upgrade.
Indicative Timetable
Action / Activity |
Indicative Timeline |
Undergrounding Power Lines (PLEC) |
29 June – November 2020 |
August/September – January 2021 |
Early 2021 |
Stormwater Upgrade |
February – April 2021 |
Streetscape Improvements |
Late 2020 |
Once PLEC Stage 1 is complete Aiming for March/April start |
Consultation has concluded