Latest update: November 2021

The Gumeracha Main Street Upgrade project will deliver a range of improvements, including underground power lines, a new stormwater system, better pedestrian connectivity and a safer streetscape environment for Gumeracha’s ‘Village Heart’. This community streetscape project is delivered in close partnership with SA Power Networks, the Gumeracha Main Street Group and the Gumeracha Community Association.
Latest News
The streetscape upgrade works are going very well and are within their schedule! PLOT Works are putting a lot of effort in to have the northern side ready for the big celebrations this Sunday (14 November). All irrigation lines and trees have been installed and planted, bushes and plants will follow in the next few weeks. Benches and bike hoops will also follow.
The protuberances and kerb build-outs are installed and seem to be working – please remember that the main purpose is to slow down traffic and make the precinct more accessible and walking friendly.
You might have noticed that Council is also renewing the tennis and netball courts in Federation Park. This project is going to provide a slightly larger footprint for the courts and is to be completed by Christmas
Next Steps
- Commence southern side and continue streetscape works uphill, starting at the Gumeracha Hotel.
Indicative Timetable
Action / Activity |
Indicative Timeline |
Undergrounding Power Lines (PLEC) |
Stormwater Upgrade |
Streetscape Improvements |
5 August 21 – January 22 |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are available on the right of the main page.
For more information or to join the project mailing list call 8408 0400 or email
Consultation has concluded