Draft Native Vegetation Protection and Conservation Policy

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Cemetery headstone behind wrought iron

This Consultation has now closed - thank you to everyone who provided their feedback. We are reviewing the feedback now and will provide a Community Engagement Outcomes Report soon.

Adelaide Hills Council owns and manages approximately 1200ha of native vegetation and 790ha of land and roads managed for conservation purposes. Many of these locations host threatened plant and wildlife species, even if currently degraded. Protecting Council’s native vegetation and conservation lands is vital.

The Draft Native Vegetation Protection and Conservation Policy will support Council's Biodiversity Strategy and has been developed for a number of reasons:

  • To protect Council’s native vegetation and sites managed for conservation purposes
  • To help prevent habitat loss and fragmentation
  • To support threatened and declining native plants and animals in the region.

The Policy has also been developed to provide clear guidelines to assist Council’s decision making with regard to protection of native vegetation and land or roads managed for conservation purposes. Council would like to ensure the Policy is easy to understand and follow.

Council will look to develop useful guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions for residents and developers. These will become valuable tools to assist practical application of the Policy in regard to proposals and application processes.

Share your thoughts on the Policy via any of the options below:

  • Preferably using the online feedback form below
  • Email to engage@ahc.sa.gov.au
  • Send a letter to Draft Native Vegetation Protection and Conservation Policy, 63 Mount Barker Road, Stirling SA 5152
  • Phone 8408 0400
  • Print and send us a hardcopy feedback form which can be printed from the key documents on this page or collected from any AHC Library or Customer Service Centre at Gumeracha, Norton Summit, Stirling or Woodside during opening hours.

Opportunity to provide feedback closes at 4pm on Tuesday 21 January 2025

Report an issue: If you have any concerns or would like to report an issue requiring action in regard to a Native Vegetation area, including a roadside verge, you can report the issue here. This will be a more effective way of actioning a current issue rather than providing it as feedback in this Policy review.

This Consultation has now closed - thank you to everyone who provided their feedback. We are reviewing the feedback now and will provide a Community Engagement Outcomes Report soon.

Adelaide Hills Council owns and manages approximately 1200ha of native vegetation and 790ha of land and roads managed for conservation purposes. Many of these locations host threatened plant and wildlife species, even if currently degraded. Protecting Council’s native vegetation and conservation lands is vital.

The Draft Native Vegetation Protection and Conservation Policy will support Council's Biodiversity Strategy and has been developed for a number of reasons:

  • To protect Council’s native vegetation and sites managed for conservation purposes
  • To help prevent habitat loss and fragmentation
  • To support threatened and declining native plants and animals in the region.

The Policy has also been developed to provide clear guidelines to assist Council’s decision making with regard to protection of native vegetation and land or roads managed for conservation purposes. Council would like to ensure the Policy is easy to understand and follow.

Council will look to develop useful guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions for residents and developers. These will become valuable tools to assist practical application of the Policy in regard to proposals and application processes.

Share your thoughts on the Policy via any of the options below:

  • Preferably using the online feedback form below
  • Email to engage@ahc.sa.gov.au
  • Send a letter to Draft Native Vegetation Protection and Conservation Policy, 63 Mount Barker Road, Stirling SA 5152
  • Phone 8408 0400
  • Print and send us a hardcopy feedback form which can be printed from the key documents on this page or collected from any AHC Library or Customer Service Centre at Gumeracha, Norton Summit, Stirling or Woodside during opening hours.

Opportunity to provide feedback closes at 4pm on Tuesday 21 January 2025

Report an issue: If you have any concerns or would like to report an issue requiring action in regard to a Native Vegetation area, including a roadside verge, you can report the issue here. This will be a more effective way of actioning a current issue rather than providing it as feedback in this Policy review.

Page last updated: 12 Feb 2025, 12:46 PM