What is the context for this project?

    This project has been initiated to develop a strategic direction for the Crafers Mainstreet and key sites within the village.  In particular, the project hopes to unpack the following:

    • What is the future of the Crafers Netball and Tennis Courts? 
    • How should private development interest within Crafers be facilitated? 
    • How can car parking pressure and safety concerns within the village be alleviated? 
    • How could clearer direction with regard to capital works investment and urban design facilitate outcomes to strengthen the  functionality and amenity within Crafers, for the benefit of business and the community? 

    These questions will frame the project going forward, with the aim that through a collaborative engagement process, consensus will be reached on addressing these critical issues, which will ultimately inform the Crafers Village Design Guidelines and development within the village into the future. 

    Why is the project important?

    There are several reasons why this project is considered important:

    - The project seeks to deliver a comprehensive urban design guideline and a key site feasibility analysis developed in collaboration with landowners, businesses and investors that: protects the character of Crafers (Local Centre and surrounds), promotes good planning & design outcomes, provides guidance for new development opportunities in the village in an integrated & coordinated manner, and activates public areas and maximises the potential use of public spaces.

    - The proposed Crafers Village Design Guidelines demonstrates Council’s leadership in ensuring that community/business aspirations and the cultural significance of the Crafers Village (Local Centre and Surrounds) are understood to ensure that future development can appropriately respond to the character and context of the village. 

    - In respect to the ongoing planning reform process initiated under the PDI Act 2016, the significance and timing of the Crafers Village Design Guidelines is considered advantageous. It is envisaged that this document will provide a strong platform for Council to advocate for the nuanced policy directions for Crafers in the Planning and Design Code to help protect the village character. In addition, there is also scope to propose that the final Design Guidelines be formally incorporated into the Planning and Design Code as a Design Standard. 

    What will the Crafers Village Design Guidelines deliver?

    The guidelines will deliver an accessible design framework and design guidelines document that will consist of a mix of written content, photos, graphic analysis, sketches and rendered images. This will make it easy for users to interpret design concepts.

    Will there be any impact to Traders?

    The Crafers Village Design Guidelines is a conceptual project and will not directly impact upon the normal day to day activities of businesses within the Crafers main street and surrounds. 

    Why should I have my say?

    Your feedback is important and will help guide what gets built, how spaces are used and how you get around the main street. It’s important you take the opportunity to provide your feedback so we can create the best Crafers Village Design Guidelines fit for the future. 

    How can I have my say?

    We encourage everyone to get involved and you can do this in a number of ways:

    - Online  using the mapping tool

    - Email us engage@ahc.sa.gov.au  

    - Call our project team on 8408 0400 (during business hours)