Draft Bushfire Mitigation Landscape Strategy

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Consultation has concluded

Thank you for visiting this page - we appreciate the time you took to provide feedback. A consultation outcomes report is now available and can be accessed via the document library.


Fire is part of our landscape and can’t be avoided, but we can reduce our risk by taking some simple steps together.

Together neighbours, community groups, council, businesses, schools, can have a positive impact on our landscape.

This Strategy covers:

  • public reserves and parks (Council and State Government land)
  • private property

This Strategy defines how Council, residents and other agencies can work together to manage these spaces to help mitigate bushfires.

We have drafted four priorities which we would like your feedback on:

  1. Strengthening partnerships with other agencies to foster a landscape scale approach to bushfire mitigation.
  2. Improving education and providing clear direction and resources to the community around vegetation management for bushfire risk.
  3. Using latest fire science approaches to assist in balancing bushfire mitigation with biodiversity.
  4. Continuous improvement of Council’s operational plans in line with best practice approaches and using a rigorous ongoing review process.

We have worked with community members and key agencies to develop consistent information about what ‘shared responsibility’ looks like in practice and we’re now asking you if anything is missing, unclear or you want further information on.

We would like to thank the community groups including Landcare, CFS volunteers, SA Government agencies, primary producers and fire-affected communities who have contributed to developing this Strategy.

Your contribution to this consultation will help us create new educational resources around vegetation management and bushfire preparedness.

At this stage of our consultation process, we are looking for feedback on:

  • What information you would like and how you would like to access it, to enable you to better manage your own property?
  • Whether the shared responsibility information is clear and sufficient?
  • If you feel we have missed anything in the strategy or in our strategic priorities?

This consultation closes 17 November 2023.

Important information

This consultation asks for your feedback around the aims and recommendations in the strategy, and what information you feel is missing. We won’t be able to follow up individual comments relating to specific sites. To report an issue relating to fire risk in your area, you will need to go through the usual process on our website here: Report an Issue • Adelaide Hills Council (ahc.sa.gov.au)

Thank you for visiting this page - we appreciate the time you took to provide feedback. A consultation outcomes report is now available and can be accessed via the document library.


Fire is part of our landscape and can’t be avoided, but we can reduce our risk by taking some simple steps together.

Together neighbours, community groups, council, businesses, schools, can have a positive impact on our landscape.

This Strategy covers:

  • public reserves and parks (Council and State Government land)
  • private property

This Strategy defines how Council, residents and other agencies can work together to manage these spaces to help mitigate bushfires.

We have drafted four priorities which we would like your feedback on:

  1. Strengthening partnerships with other agencies to foster a landscape scale approach to bushfire mitigation.
  2. Improving education and providing clear direction and resources to the community around vegetation management for bushfire risk.
  3. Using latest fire science approaches to assist in balancing bushfire mitigation with biodiversity.
  4. Continuous improvement of Council’s operational plans in line with best practice approaches and using a rigorous ongoing review process.

We have worked with community members and key agencies to develop consistent information about what ‘shared responsibility’ looks like in practice and we’re now asking you if anything is missing, unclear or you want further information on.

We would like to thank the community groups including Landcare, CFS volunteers, SA Government agencies, primary producers and fire-affected communities who have contributed to developing this Strategy.

Your contribution to this consultation will help us create new educational resources around vegetation management and bushfire preparedness.

At this stage of our consultation process, we are looking for feedback on:

  • What information you would like and how you would like to access it, to enable you to better manage your own property?
  • Whether the shared responsibility information is clear and sufficient?
  • If you feel we have missed anything in the strategy or in our strategic priorities?

This consultation closes 17 November 2023.

Important information

This consultation asks for your feedback around the aims and recommendations in the strategy, and what information you feel is missing. We won’t be able to follow up individual comments relating to specific sites. To report an issue relating to fire risk in your area, you will need to go through the usual process on our website here: Report an Issue • Adelaide Hills Council (ahc.sa.gov.au)

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Hi there, 

    Your feedback is important and allows us to make a plan to support property owners and management of our public spaces so we're best prepared for the bushfire season. 

    Take a moment to provide your comments and remember you can also send us an email via engage@ahc.sa.gov.au with your feedback.

    Many thanks


    Community Engagement Team  

    Consultation has concluded
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