The highlights: What the Plan means for you
Consultation has concluded
On this page you can read the whole Plan in the Document Library or just access the sections that interest you such as the Operating Budget or the Capital Budget, how we are tracking against the current Strategic Plan and where this Plan sits in the context of the Long Term Financial Plan.
Income and Expenditure (Operating)
The budget provides for an operating surplus of $192,000 after allowing for total income of $40.7 million and expenditure of $40.5 million. Both income and expenditure are in strong alignment to the targets established within the Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP). In achieving these targets there is a level of certainty provided to the community that financial sustainability will be maintained.
The Annual Business Plan also provides for a number of new programs and initiatives whilst still meeting the operating expenditure targets as set out within the LTFP. These new initiatives, which total in excess of $300,000, are as a result of savings and efficiencies achieved elsewhere within the organisation. A detailed breakdown of these initiatives can be found within the draft Plan.
The following table provides a summary of the budget within each Directorate of the organisation.
Capital Works
The 2016/17 Capital Works Program of $13.6 million remains focussed on renewing and replacing consumed infrastructure by providing for the necessary level of renewals conveyed by Asset Management Plans. In addition, funding has been allocated to limited new infrastructure to meet required service levels and community expectations.
The following graph provides a summary by asset category of the works proposed to be undertaken.
If you would like to ask a question or make a comment, but don't want it to appear on this site, email us direct at
Sending a formal submission
Formal submissions can be mailed to us at PO Box 44, Woodside SA 5244 or sent by email to
On this page you can read the whole Plan in the Document Library or just access the sections that interest you such as the Operating Budget or the Capital Budget, how we are tracking against the current Strategic Plan and where this Plan sits in the context of the Long Term Financial Plan.
Income and Expenditure (Operating)
The budget provides for an operating surplus of $192,000 after allowing for total income of $40.7 million and expenditure of $40.5 million. Both income and expenditure are in strong alignment to the targets established within the Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP). In achieving these targets there is a level of certainty provided to the community that financial sustainability will be maintained.
The Annual Business Plan also provides for a number of new programs and initiatives whilst still meeting the operating expenditure targets as set out within the LTFP. These new initiatives, which total in excess of $300,000, are as a result of savings and efficiencies achieved elsewhere within the organisation. A detailed breakdown of these initiatives can be found within the draft Plan.
The following table provides a summary of the budget within each Directorate of the organisation.
Capital Works
The 2016/17 Capital Works Program of $13.6 million remains focussed on renewing and replacing consumed infrastructure by providing for the necessary level of renewals conveyed by Asset Management Plans. In addition, funding has been allocated to limited new infrastructure to meet required service levels and community expectations.
The following graph provides a summary by asset category of the works proposed to be undertaken.
If you would like to ask a question or make a comment, but don't want it to appear on this site, email us direct at
Sending a formal submission
Formal submissions can be mailed to us at PO Box 44, Woodside SA 5244 or sent by email to
Share I support the beautification of the roundabouts at Verdun however $5,000 is not enoough. This is the gateway to the valley and should have a beautiful landscaped roundabout. on Facebook Share I support the beautification of the roundabouts at Verdun however $5,000 is not enoough. This is the gateway to the valley and should have a beautiful landscaped roundabout. on Twitter Share I support the beautification of the roundabouts at Verdun however $5,000 is not enoough. This is the gateway to the valley and should have a beautiful landscaped roundabout. on Linkedin Email I support the beautification of the roundabouts at Verdun however $5,000 is not enoough. This is the gateway to the valley and should have a beautiful landscaped roundabout. link
I support the beautification of the roundabouts at Verdun however $5,000 is not enoough. This is the gateway to the valley and should have a beautiful landscaped roundabout.
Mark asked almost 9 years agoThank you for your feedback, we will discuss your feedback as part of our Annual Business Plan review process. We are aware of the current state of the roundabouts and have included some funding to improve their condition, such as cleaning and native plantings.
Additional funding to undertake more significant remediation as a result of the feedback received to date will now be considered by Council on 28 June 2016.
Share Support for the Stirling Community Theatre is excellent. So too completion of the Amy Gillett Bikeway. What money has been set aside to reduce the Council's carbon footprint? Why is it so expensive to take green waste to the Council dump? residents are forced to burn it, significantly increasing air pollution in the Adelaide Hills. What capital expenditure is ear-marked for low-carbon waste management? on Facebook Share Support for the Stirling Community Theatre is excellent. So too completion of the Amy Gillett Bikeway. What money has been set aside to reduce the Council's carbon footprint? Why is it so expensive to take green waste to the Council dump? residents are forced to burn it, significantly increasing air pollution in the Adelaide Hills. What capital expenditure is ear-marked for low-carbon waste management? on Twitter Share Support for the Stirling Community Theatre is excellent. So too completion of the Amy Gillett Bikeway. What money has been set aside to reduce the Council's carbon footprint? Why is it so expensive to take green waste to the Council dump? residents are forced to burn it, significantly increasing air pollution in the Adelaide Hills. What capital expenditure is ear-marked for low-carbon waste management? on Linkedin Email Support for the Stirling Community Theatre is excellent. So too completion of the Amy Gillett Bikeway. What money has been set aside to reduce the Council's carbon footprint? Why is it so expensive to take green waste to the Council dump? residents are forced to burn it, significantly increasing air pollution in the Adelaide Hills. What capital expenditure is ear-marked for low-carbon waste management? link
Support for the Stirling Community Theatre is excellent. So too completion of the Amy Gillett Bikeway. What money has been set aside to reduce the Council's carbon footprint? Why is it so expensive to take green waste to the Council dump? residents are forced to burn it, significantly increasing air pollution in the Adelaide Hills. What capital expenditure is ear-marked for low-carbon waste management?
gmcleay asked almost 9 years agoThank you for your feedback.
We are continually working towards reducing our carbon footprint, and taking a number of actions across key areas to improve sustainability outcomes. These activities include, but are not limited to, the use of accredited green power, lighting retrofits, sensor lights, solar PV panels, power saving computers and printers, other waste reduction initiatives across our sites, and a growing our focus to include sustainability in procurement.
In relation to green waste we try to keep the fees and charges as low as possible, to encourage use of the Waste Transfer Stations. In addition, I am happy to advise that we do provide periodic free drop off days (2 were recently held in May), where the following clean residential green waste can disposed of for free:
- grass clippings
- pruning
- leaves
- small branches up to 100mm in diameter
Loads are limited to 6 x 4 trailer size.
We are also exploring initiatives which encompass all areas of Waste Management, including Low Carbon Waste Management, but do not have any specific capital projects outlined for this coming year.
Council is however currently reviewing the organisations Strategic Plan and from this review it is anticipated that focus on sustainable outcomes will continue to grow. Your feedback on the review of our Strategic Plan would be encouraged and is available via the Adelaide Hills website.
Share Wonderful to see that the Stirling Community Theatre is getting some support, run for the last 42 years by volunteers, using only monies raised by the shows being produced and creating a vehicle for some many people from so many different age groups and backgrounds, even enticing people from a great distance to come and perform and to learn and extend their abilities. What a wonderful Adelaide Hills institution to gain some support to make it more viable for more groups and people to make use of the facility. Well done to all those you have put in blood, sweat and tears over those 40 odd years. on Facebook Share Wonderful to see that the Stirling Community Theatre is getting some support, run for the last 42 years by volunteers, using only monies raised by the shows being produced and creating a vehicle for some many people from so many different age groups and backgrounds, even enticing people from a great distance to come and perform and to learn and extend their abilities. What a wonderful Adelaide Hills institution to gain some support to make it more viable for more groups and people to make use of the facility. Well done to all those you have put in blood, sweat and tears over those 40 odd years. on Twitter Share Wonderful to see that the Stirling Community Theatre is getting some support, run for the last 42 years by volunteers, using only monies raised by the shows being produced and creating a vehicle for some many people from so many different age groups and backgrounds, even enticing people from a great distance to come and perform and to learn and extend their abilities. What a wonderful Adelaide Hills institution to gain some support to make it more viable for more groups and people to make use of the facility. Well done to all those you have put in blood, sweat and tears over those 40 odd years. on Linkedin Email Wonderful to see that the Stirling Community Theatre is getting some support, run for the last 42 years by volunteers, using only monies raised by the shows being produced and creating a vehicle for some many people from so many different age groups and backgrounds, even enticing people from a great distance to come and perform and to learn and extend their abilities. What a wonderful Adelaide Hills institution to gain some support to make it more viable for more groups and people to make use of the facility. Well done to all those you have put in blood, sweat and tears over those 40 odd years. link
Wonderful to see that the Stirling Community Theatre is getting some support, run for the last 42 years by volunteers, using only monies raised by the shows being produced and creating a vehicle for some many people from so many different age groups and backgrounds, even enticing people from a great distance to come and perform and to learn and extend their abilities. What a wonderful Adelaide Hills institution to gain some support to make it more viable for more groups and people to make use of the facility. Well done to all those you have put in blood, sweat and tears over those 40 odd years.
Michelle asked almost 9 years agoThankyou for the feedback. All feedback received will be considered by Council on 28 June 2016 prior to finalising the 2016/17 Annual Business Plan.
Share The orchestra pit in the Stirling theatre is in dire need of an upgrade and HMC does wonderful productions so it would be lovely to see this happen! on Facebook Share The orchestra pit in the Stirling theatre is in dire need of an upgrade and HMC does wonderful productions so it would be lovely to see this happen! on Twitter Share The orchestra pit in the Stirling theatre is in dire need of an upgrade and HMC does wonderful productions so it would be lovely to see this happen! on Linkedin Email The orchestra pit in the Stirling theatre is in dire need of an upgrade and HMC does wonderful productions so it would be lovely to see this happen! link
The orchestra pit in the Stirling theatre is in dire need of an upgrade and HMC does wonderful productions so it would be lovely to see this happen!
jacintaeve asked almost 9 years agoThankyou for the feedback. All feedback received will be considered by Council on 28 June 2016 prior to finalising the 2016/17 Annual Business Plan.
Share The Stirling Community Theatre is one of the best assets of this community. From an audience point of view it is probably the most delightful venue for amateur theatre in the Adelaide area. It has charming foyer space and a comfortable auditorium with good acoustics and sight lines. The productions there have brought people from all over the city to view and perform and added to the economy of Stirling over many years. It is terrific to note that the Council is willing to put money into upgrades which will enhance this facility. Well done! on Facebook Share The Stirling Community Theatre is one of the best assets of this community. From an audience point of view it is probably the most delightful venue for amateur theatre in the Adelaide area. It has charming foyer space and a comfortable auditorium with good acoustics and sight lines. The productions there have brought people from all over the city to view and perform and added to the economy of Stirling over many years. It is terrific to note that the Council is willing to put money into upgrades which will enhance this facility. Well done! on Twitter Share The Stirling Community Theatre is one of the best assets of this community. From an audience point of view it is probably the most delightful venue for amateur theatre in the Adelaide area. It has charming foyer space and a comfortable auditorium with good acoustics and sight lines. The productions there have brought people from all over the city to view and perform and added to the economy of Stirling over many years. It is terrific to note that the Council is willing to put money into upgrades which will enhance this facility. Well done! on Linkedin Email The Stirling Community Theatre is one of the best assets of this community. From an audience point of view it is probably the most delightful venue for amateur theatre in the Adelaide area. It has charming foyer space and a comfortable auditorium with good acoustics and sight lines. The productions there have brought people from all over the city to view and perform and added to the economy of Stirling over many years. It is terrific to note that the Council is willing to put money into upgrades which will enhance this facility. Well done! link
The Stirling Community Theatre is one of the best assets of this community. From an audience point of view it is probably the most delightful venue for amateur theatre in the Adelaide area. It has charming foyer space and a comfortable auditorium with good acoustics and sight lines. The productions there have brought people from all over the city to view and perform and added to the economy of Stirling over many years. It is terrific to note that the Council is willing to put money into upgrades which will enhance this facility. Well done!
Greg Janzow asked almost 9 years agoThankyou for the feedback. All feedback received will be considered by Council on 28 June 2016 prior to finalising the 2016/17 Annual Business Plan.
Share I'm very pleased to see finances set aside to help upgrade Stirling Community Theatre. With three theatre groups calling SCT home, and between them entertaining hundreds of people every year with excellent performances, improvements to the theatre will be deeply appreciated by many. on Facebook Share I'm very pleased to see finances set aside to help upgrade Stirling Community Theatre. With three theatre groups calling SCT home, and between them entertaining hundreds of people every year with excellent performances, improvements to the theatre will be deeply appreciated by many. on Twitter Share I'm very pleased to see finances set aside to help upgrade Stirling Community Theatre. With three theatre groups calling SCT home, and between them entertaining hundreds of people every year with excellent performances, improvements to the theatre will be deeply appreciated by many. on Linkedin Email I'm very pleased to see finances set aside to help upgrade Stirling Community Theatre. With three theatre groups calling SCT home, and between them entertaining hundreds of people every year with excellent performances, improvements to the theatre will be deeply appreciated by many. link
I'm very pleased to see finances set aside to help upgrade Stirling Community Theatre. With three theatre groups calling SCT home, and between them entertaining hundreds of people every year with excellent performances, improvements to the theatre will be deeply appreciated by many.
Sonja asked almost 9 years agoThankyou for the feedback. All feedback received will be considered by Council on 28 June 2016 prior to finalising the 2016/17 Annual Business Plan.
Share It is excellent to see the Stirling Community Theatre being included in the budget. The facility will greatly benefit from the upgrades and be even more user friendly. The upgrades will mean the fantastic community Arts making will continue. In a world that seems to not value the Arts it is fantastic to see the council supporting a community Arts organisation and everything it brings to the Hills. Bravo. on Facebook Share It is excellent to see the Stirling Community Theatre being included in the budget. The facility will greatly benefit from the upgrades and be even more user friendly. The upgrades will mean the fantastic community Arts making will continue. In a world that seems to not value the Arts it is fantastic to see the council supporting a community Arts organisation and everything it brings to the Hills. Bravo. on Twitter Share It is excellent to see the Stirling Community Theatre being included in the budget. The facility will greatly benefit from the upgrades and be even more user friendly. The upgrades will mean the fantastic community Arts making will continue. In a world that seems to not value the Arts it is fantastic to see the council supporting a community Arts organisation and everything it brings to the Hills. Bravo. on Linkedin Email It is excellent to see the Stirling Community Theatre being included in the budget. The facility will greatly benefit from the upgrades and be even more user friendly. The upgrades will mean the fantastic community Arts making will continue. In a world that seems to not value the Arts it is fantastic to see the council supporting a community Arts organisation and everything it brings to the Hills. Bravo. link
It is excellent to see the Stirling Community Theatre being included in the budget. The facility will greatly benefit from the upgrades and be even more user friendly. The upgrades will mean the fantastic community Arts making will continue. In a world that seems to not value the Arts it is fantastic to see the council supporting a community Arts organisation and everything it brings to the Hills. Bravo.
Mark asked almost 9 years agoThankyou for the feedback. All feedback received will be considered by Council on 28 June 2016 prior to finalising the 2016/17 Annual Business Plan.
Share It's great that the AHC is supporting the Stirling Community Theatre to upgrade the building so that the community can benefit by having a Facility that can be utilized more fully. on Facebook Share It's great that the AHC is supporting the Stirling Community Theatre to upgrade the building so that the community can benefit by having a Facility that can be utilized more fully. on Twitter Share It's great that the AHC is supporting the Stirling Community Theatre to upgrade the building so that the community can benefit by having a Facility that can be utilized more fully. on Linkedin Email It's great that the AHC is supporting the Stirling Community Theatre to upgrade the building so that the community can benefit by having a Facility that can be utilized more fully. link
It's great that the AHC is supporting the Stirling Community Theatre to upgrade the building so that the community can benefit by having a Facility that can be utilized more fully.
Barb asked almost 9 years agoThankyou for the feedback. All feedback received will be considered by Council on 28 June 2016 prior to finalising the 2016/17 Annual Business Plan.
Share It is great to see a budget line for the Stirling Community Theatre, it will enable the Stirling Community Theatre Committee to improve the facilities to increase the accessibility for the Hills Community. The Theatre provides a fantastic venue for the Hills Youth Theatre to provide high quality theatre for the community and high quality education and performance opportunities for over 100 children. The money will allow the SCT to access further Government funding to provide great value for the Adelaide Hills Council. on Facebook Share It is great to see a budget line for the Stirling Community Theatre, it will enable the Stirling Community Theatre Committee to improve the facilities to increase the accessibility for the Hills Community. The Theatre provides a fantastic venue for the Hills Youth Theatre to provide high quality theatre for the community and high quality education and performance opportunities for over 100 children. The money will allow the SCT to access further Government funding to provide great value for the Adelaide Hills Council. on Twitter Share It is great to see a budget line for the Stirling Community Theatre, it will enable the Stirling Community Theatre Committee to improve the facilities to increase the accessibility for the Hills Community. The Theatre provides a fantastic venue for the Hills Youth Theatre to provide high quality theatre for the community and high quality education and performance opportunities for over 100 children. The money will allow the SCT to access further Government funding to provide great value for the Adelaide Hills Council. on Linkedin Email It is great to see a budget line for the Stirling Community Theatre, it will enable the Stirling Community Theatre Committee to improve the facilities to increase the accessibility for the Hills Community. The Theatre provides a fantastic venue for the Hills Youth Theatre to provide high quality theatre for the community and high quality education and performance opportunities for over 100 children. The money will allow the SCT to access further Government funding to provide great value for the Adelaide Hills Council. link
It is great to see a budget line for the Stirling Community Theatre, it will enable the Stirling Community Theatre Committee to improve the facilities to increase the accessibility for the Hills Community. The Theatre provides a fantastic venue for the Hills Youth Theatre to provide high quality theatre for the community and high quality education and performance opportunities for over 100 children. The money will allow the SCT to access further Government funding to provide great value for the Adelaide Hills Council.
PeterC asked almost 9 years agoThankyou for taking the time to provide feedback in relation to the draft Annual Business Plan. All feedback will be considered by Council on 28 June 2016, prior to adoption of the final Plan and Budget for 2016/17.
Share Project ID 281 - provide passing areas and improved lines of sight $60K, staged safety upgrade of Blockers Road Basket Range This road has been very poorly maintained, carries significant traffic including through traffic. A Council safety audit revealed serious problems several years ago and there was a budget spend in 2014/15 which was used for landslips instead. Significant information has been sent previously to the Mayor and Mark Buckerfield. The improvement proposed should not be the only work done, the road needs significant maintenance especially properly formed water runoff areas to prevent washouts as soon as the next rains occur. Further upgrades should also be considered as it is a significant access road for CFS, the 20 residents houses along the road and through traffic. A consideration should even be to divert funds from projects like project 318 Basket Range Tennis Court $67K which may provide some community benefit (it has been non-usable for almost 15 years) as Blockers Road accounts for almost 20% of the houses in Basket Range and provides a serious safety risk and liability for Council. on Facebook Share Project ID 281 - provide passing areas and improved lines of sight $60K, staged safety upgrade of Blockers Road Basket Range This road has been very poorly maintained, carries significant traffic including through traffic. A Council safety audit revealed serious problems several years ago and there was a budget spend in 2014/15 which was used for landslips instead. Significant information has been sent previously to the Mayor and Mark Buckerfield. The improvement proposed should not be the only work done, the road needs significant maintenance especially properly formed water runoff areas to prevent washouts as soon as the next rains occur. Further upgrades should also be considered as it is a significant access road for CFS, the 20 residents houses along the road and through traffic. A consideration should even be to divert funds from projects like project 318 Basket Range Tennis Court $67K which may provide some community benefit (it has been non-usable for almost 15 years) as Blockers Road accounts for almost 20% of the houses in Basket Range and provides a serious safety risk and liability for Council. on Twitter Share Project ID 281 - provide passing areas and improved lines of sight $60K, staged safety upgrade of Blockers Road Basket Range This road has been very poorly maintained, carries significant traffic including through traffic. A Council safety audit revealed serious problems several years ago and there was a budget spend in 2014/15 which was used for landslips instead. Significant information has been sent previously to the Mayor and Mark Buckerfield. The improvement proposed should not be the only work done, the road needs significant maintenance especially properly formed water runoff areas to prevent washouts as soon as the next rains occur. Further upgrades should also be considered as it is a significant access road for CFS, the 20 residents houses along the road and through traffic. A consideration should even be to divert funds from projects like project 318 Basket Range Tennis Court $67K which may provide some community benefit (it has been non-usable for almost 15 years) as Blockers Road accounts for almost 20% of the houses in Basket Range and provides a serious safety risk and liability for Council. on Linkedin Email Project ID 281 - provide passing areas and improved lines of sight $60K, staged safety upgrade of Blockers Road Basket Range This road has been very poorly maintained, carries significant traffic including through traffic. A Council safety audit revealed serious problems several years ago and there was a budget spend in 2014/15 which was used for landslips instead. Significant information has been sent previously to the Mayor and Mark Buckerfield. The improvement proposed should not be the only work done, the road needs significant maintenance especially properly formed water runoff areas to prevent washouts as soon as the next rains occur. Further upgrades should also be considered as it is a significant access road for CFS, the 20 residents houses along the road and through traffic. A consideration should even be to divert funds from projects like project 318 Basket Range Tennis Court $67K which may provide some community benefit (it has been non-usable for almost 15 years) as Blockers Road accounts for almost 20% of the houses in Basket Range and provides a serious safety risk and liability for Council. link
Project ID 281 - provide passing areas and improved lines of sight $60K, staged safety upgrade of Blockers Road Basket Range This road has been very poorly maintained, carries significant traffic including through traffic. A Council safety audit revealed serious problems several years ago and there was a budget spend in 2014/15 which was used for landslips instead. Significant information has been sent previously to the Mayor and Mark Buckerfield. The improvement proposed should not be the only work done, the road needs significant maintenance especially properly formed water runoff areas to prevent washouts as soon as the next rains occur. Further upgrades should also be considered as it is a significant access road for CFS, the 20 residents houses along the road and through traffic. A consideration should even be to divert funds from projects like project 318 Basket Range Tennis Court $67K which may provide some community benefit (it has been non-usable for almost 15 years) as Blockers Road accounts for almost 20% of the houses in Basket Range and provides a serious safety risk and liability for Council.
John asked almost 9 years agoThank you for taking the time to provide feedback in relation to the draft Annual Business Plan.
Council is acutely aware of the safety issues presented by a number of roads throughout the Marble Hill, Norton summit, Basket Range and other suburbs that have narrow, winding and steep roads.
Unfortunately the resources required to address a number of these roads is substantial and options such as making roads one way only or blocking off roads to through traffic may need
to be explored. In relation to Blockers Road, the allocation of $60,000 will only address the highest priority areas such as provision of passing bays, widening tight corners etc to aid the movement of CFS vehicles in the event of an emergency.I trust this response provides some level of clarification to the questions you have asked.