What is a fire access track?

    According to guidelines published by the State Bushfire Coordination Committee:

    A track used for fire access is designed, constructed and maintained for the safe passage of fire fighting vehicles undertaking fire suppression activities. All designated tracks will permit access by standard 34 units (4WD vehicles capable of carrying up to 3,500 Litres). 

    All other tracks that do not meet the above standard will be classified as Service Tracks. Service tracks will have restricted access and should only be used in emergency operations with absolute caution.

    Which survey should I complete?

    If you are a resident with a fire track on or adjacent to your property, you can complete the 'Resident survey'. Just enter your responses for the track specific to your property. 

    Please note- all residents with fire tracks on their properties will receive a letter from Adelaide Hills Council notifying them of this project. If you haven't received a letter or are unsure, you can contact the Project Officer Pia Charlton at pcharlton@ahc.sa.gov.au 

    If you are a CFS volunteer from the East Torrens, Gumeracha, Onkaparinga or Mt Lofty Groups, you can use the 'CFS Member Map' to select and answer questions for as many tracks as you wish. 

    If you are not a CFS volunteer or do not have a fire track on your property, this survey will not be relevant to you.

    What will my responses be used for?

    The aim of this project is to inspect all fire access tracks in the Adelaide Hills Council area by November 2024 and prepare a report and recommendations on which tracks are the highest priority to maintain. Some tracks may be recommended for reclassification (e.g. from fire access tracks to service tracks, or from major to minor tracks), and in some cases for closure. However, these decisions will require significant consultation with Council members, fire agencies including CFS and DEW, and with private landholders who are directly affected. 

    For now, we are just seeking to gather as much information as possible on the value and current condition of all fire tracks in our district. This will be reflected in the report. The recommendations we put forward in the final report will be presented to our Elected Members, as well as to planning staff at CFS and the Department of Environment and Water, for consideration. 

    How can I find out my CFS membership number?

    If you're unsure of your membership number, approach your Brigade in the first instance as they should have a record of this. 

    If not, you can call or email your Regional Headquarters to find out. Ask to speak to the Regional Prevention Officer.

    How do I use the map?

    For CFS members, you can answer questions about multiple tracks by pinning their location on the map. 

    To do this, click "Go To Map" an on the left hand side, select the 'add pin' icon. 

    Then click and drag your pin to the fire track you want to comment on. 

    Once you've submitted your answers for one track, you can repeat this for as many tracks as you wish.