Draft Community Land Management Plan Consultation
Thank you for your interest. This consultation has now concluded.

Adelaide Hills Council holds over 400 parcels of community land for the benefit of the community. Each parcel is categorised into 12 key types of land: conservation, informal recreation, community use, halls and institutes, recreation and sport, cemeteries, walkways and other land held for access purposes, drainage reserves, vehicle access restrictions, civic purposes, emergency services and multi-purpose sites.
Section 193 of the Local Government Act 1999 states that all land owned by a council or under a council’s care control and management, other than roads, is classified as community land unless the council has resolved to exclude it from community land.
Council’s current Community Land Management Plans were last updated in 2013, and so we are keen to hear from anyone with an interest in the new draft Community Land Management Plans.
All consultation documents can be downloaded from the document section of this website (on the right).
This includes:
- Land Management Plan Fact Sheet (everything you need to know about the project)
- Draft Land Management Plan Generic Plan for All Categories
- Draft Land Management Plans (individual plans for each category)
- Community Land Register (searchable excel document listing all properties included in the draft Land Management Plan)
We want to hear your feedback
We are engaging the residents, businesses, facility users and the wider community to review our draft Land Management Plans and associated Land Register and provide a submission with comments for the project team to consider.
We want to know if you have any comments on:
- Categories assigned to the community land
- The description of the categories
- Any other element of the draft Community Land Management Plans which you would like us to consider.
Feedback received during the consultation period will help inform the final Community Land Management Plans. Following the completion of consultation processes, a further report will be presented to Council for the revocation of the current Community Land Management Plans and Community Land Register and the adoption of the draft Community Land Management Plans and Register.
Have your say on the draft Community Land Management Plans by completing the survey below.
This consultation will be open until 5pm on 30 August.
Our team is here to listen to your feedback so please get in touch via engagement@ahc.sa.gov.au